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There are 448 pages but I am not sure about chapters


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Q: How many chapters in the book 'Extras' by Scott Westerfeld?
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How many pages are in extras by Scott westerfeld?

There are 370 pages in Pretties byScott westerfeld

Does a hover cam exist?

it is from my knowledge that it doesn't exist. although it does exist in a book called extras in a series by Scott Westerfeld, but that's just a book.

Is there another book coming out after Extras in the Uglies series?

"Extras" is the final book in the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. There are no planned sequels after "Extras."

Is Scott Westerfeld dead?

no Scott Westerfeld is not dead. He is still righting book this very year.

Who is yoshio nara in extras by Scott westerfeld?

Yoshio Nara is a minor character in the book "Extras" by Scott Westerfeld. He is a young Japanese filmmaker who is known for creating popular viral videos. He plays a role in the story as someone who helps the main characters navigate the reputation economy in the city.

What is the copyright date for the book Specials by Scott Westerfeld?


Who is the main character in the book Uglies by Scott Westerfeld?


What order do the Uglies series go in?

I know for sure the first three are: Uglies, Pretties, Specials and I believe the fourth is Extras...but I thought it was a 5 book series and I can't figure out what the last one is if there is one??

What is the book Extras by Scott Westerfeld about?

It's the fourth book in his Uglies series, and carries on the story with the same characters found in Uglies, Pretties and Specials. The book contains dystopian themes, focussing specifically on artificial beauty in a society where everyone has major cosmetic surgery.

What Happens to Tally and David in Extras by Scott Westerfeld?

What happens to Tally and David in the Extras is that they both have feelings for each other. And Tally and David become love bugs again.and probably get married if there is a next book about tally. oh yeah! and then there is a new book coming out called mind-rain i think! YAY!!! :D

Is Scott Westerfeld married?

Yes, to Justine Larbalestier. They are both authors. Really awesome books by Scott Westerfeld are the Uglies series, and an awesome book by Justine Larbalestier is How to Ditch Your Fairy.

What is the next Scott westerfeld book?

the next book by Scott Westerfeld will be Leviathan. it will be released in 2009. it is the first of a trilogy set in an alternate-history World War I and the main character will be the teenage son of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria