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Joseph had one brother, Benjamin, and ten half-brothers, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar and Zebulun, from other mothers. Joseph was the eleventh of Israel's twelve sons.
Joseph had one brother, Benjamin - both from the same Mother and Father - and 10 half-brothers from the same Father.

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Joseph was the eleventh of twelfth sons from Jacob.

Technically, he had "one" brother, Benjamin... and ten "half-brothers."

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Q: How many brothers did Joseph in the Bible have?
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How many brothers did Joseph Fourier have?

if he was the 4th child then he must have brothers

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The Bible says nothing about Jesus' brothers putting him in anything... however, Joseph, son of Jacob in the Old Testament part of the Bible, was thrown into a well by his brothers.

How many brothers did Joseph have when he was sold into slavery?

Joseph did not like it...but he forgave them for selling him into slavery.

Who irritates his brothers by telling them of his dreams in the bible?

Joseph. See Genesis chapter 37.

What two incidents does the Bible present as the cause of Joseph's brothers' hostility toward him?

One reason was the dreams which Joseph had symbolizing his brothers bowing down to him. Another was the fact that Joseph was the favored child of their father. This was shown in the gift to Joseph of a multicolored coat.

Was Joseph wearing a mask when meeting his brothers in the Bible?

No, there is no mention of Joseph wearing a mask when meeting his brothers in the Bible. His identity was initially unknown to them, but he did not use a mask to hide his face.

When was Joseph in the bible betrayed by his brothers?

If you mean storywise, it was when he was sent by his father Jacob to check on his brothers while they were with their sheep. If you mean otherwise, it's found in Genesis 37, verse 12 onwards.

Who was the man sold into slavery by his brothers?

The man who was sold into slavery by his brothers in the Bible was Joseph, the son of Jacob. Despite his misfortune, Joseph eventually rose to a position of power in Egypt and was able to reunite with his family.