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A: A menorah normally has seven branches. It is similar in appearance to the seven-branched stylised tree of Asherah occasionally found by archaeologists in parts of early Israel.

A Hanukkah-menorah has eight branches or candle-holders.
The Menorah in the Temple had seven branches, as commanded by God (in Exodus ch.25).

The number seven alludes to God creating the world in seven days (Genesis ch.1) and for that reason it has been used in disparate religions all over the Earth. Similarly, the entire ancient world possessed the traditions of the existence of the human soul and the afterlife, the dignity of the dead, etc.

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

The Hanukkiah, also called a Hanukkah menorah, has eight candle-places, in memory of the eight days that the oil burned. There is an added light is called the shammash (the servant). This candle is the one lit first, and it is used to light all the others. Properly speaking, it is not counted as one of the ceremonial branches because it is merely the "lighter" branch.

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βˆ™ 6y ago

For Hanukkah:

Eight branches. An extra candle is used to light the others and is left to keep burning. This "helper" candle can be on a ninth branch, or placed separately nearby.

For other purposes:

Any number. Some synagogues may have a seven-branch or five-branch symbolic menorah not used for Hanukkah. This decorative menorah is not obligatory.

What is Hanukkah?

The Seleucids (Syrian-Greeks) under Antiochus Epiphanes (2nd century BCE), at the instigation of the Hellenizers, had forbidden various Torah-practices in Judea, such as Sabbath-observance and circumcision, rededicated the Temple to a Greek idol, and pressed the Jews to offer up idolatrous sacrifices. Despite being heavily outnumbered, the Hasmoneans (a family of religious Jews) fought to retake the Holy Temple, which had been seized by the Seleucids, and to enable the people to once again observe the Torah. The Hasmoneans (also called Maccabees) were miraculously victorious. When they reached the Temple grounds, they immediately reconsecrated it to God. As part of this action, they relit the Menorah (Exodus ch.25), which was fueled with olive oil. However, it soon became apparent that there was only sufficient oil to keep the candelabra burning for one single day - and it would take eight days to make and bring some more.
Miraculously, the menorah stayed lit for eight days (Talmud, Shabbat 21b), allowing enough time for new oil to be prepared and brought.
The significance of the miracle is that it demonstrated that God's presence still dwelt in the Holy Temple. This is what Hanukkah represents: the closeness to God; and the avoidance of Hellenization (assimilation).
The Torah Sages instituted the festival of Hanukkah at that time (Talmud, Shabbat 21b), to publicize the miracle (Rashi commentary, ibid). This is why we light our Hanukkah-menorahs.
(The Hanukkah-menorah, or hanukkiyah, is a special form of the original seven-branched menorah. Our Hanukkah-menorahs have eight spaces for oil, or candles, to mark each of the eight days for which the oil lasted and a ninth to hold the shamash, a candle used to light the others.)
The eight-day rededication of the Temple is also mentioned in the book of Maccabees (I, 4:56-59; and II, 1:18); and Josephus mentions the eight-day festival in Antiquities ch.12.
The Al-Hanisim prayer which we recite during Hanukkah centers around the Hasmoneans' victory and rededication of the Temple, while the candle-lighting commemorates the miracle of the oil.
Though the military victory is prominently mentioned in the prayers, it wouldn't have been celebrated if not for the miracle of the oil, just as we have no special occasion to mark Abraham's victory (Genesis ch.14), or those of Moses (Numbers ch.21), Joshua, Deborah (Judges ch.4), Gideon (Judges ch.6-7), Jephthah (Judges ch.11), or King David. And though the Hasmonean battles continued for two decades after the retaking of the Temple, the Sages instituted Hanukkah immediately after the miracle of the oil.
It should also be noted that the main goal for which the Maccabees fought was not political independence. They fought to enable the people to observe the Torah's commandments; as we say in the Al Hanisim prayer: "the Greeks sought to cause us to forget Your Torah and leave Your statutes."

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βˆ™ 11y ago

The Torah commands that the menorah (candelabrum) of the Beit Hamikdash (Temple) should have seven branches (Exodus ch.25). (Not to be confused with our Hanukkah-menorahs, which have eight candles plus a helper-candle used to light the others.)

Various types of symbolism can be suggested for this. The clearest connection is that, since God created the world in seven days (Genesis ch.1), the number seven has always had a connection with the Divine: seventh day of Sabbath, seventh year of shemittah, forty-nine days of Omer, seven days of Pesach, seven days of Sukkot, and the many instances of the number seven in the offerings (Numbers ch.28-29).

Seven also represents the world, with its seven continents and "seven seas". The ancients also listed their seven branches of wisdom.

The Hanukkah-menorah, on the other hand, has eight candle-holders for the eight days of Hanukkah, and one (the ninth) for the helper-candle, which is used to light the others.

Here is further background information:

The Seleucids (Syrian-Greeks) under Antiochus Epiphanes (2nd century BCE), at the instigation of the Hellenizers, had forbidden various Torah-practices such as Sabbath-observance and circumcision, rededicated the Temple to a Greek idol, and pressed the Jews to offer up sacrifices to the idol. One of the leading elder Jewish sages called upon the people to keep observing the Torah anyway; and if necessary, to use force in resisting the decrees. When a Hellenized Jew offered a sacrifice to the Greek idols in a nearby village, the sage killed him as well as the Greek overseer. This brought a violent reaction from the Greeks; and the loyal Jews, led by the Hasmonean family, were forced to retreat from their towns and strike out at the Greeks in an attempt to oust them from the Holy Land and to enable the people to once again observe the Torah. The Torah-Jews were heavily outnumbered by the attacking Greek armies, but God gave them miraculous victories again and again. After three years of struggle, the Greek armies retreated from Jerusalem, and the Hasmoneans (also called Maccabees) entered the Holy Temple which the Greeks had defiled, reconsecrated it to God, and began the Temple service once more. Among other things, they wanted to relight the olive oil candelabrum (Exodus ch. 25), but could only find one day's supply of undefiled oil - and it would take eight days to make and bring some more.

Miraculously, the menorah stayed lit for eight days (Talmud, Shabbat 21b), allowing enough time for new oil to be prepared and brought. The significance of the miracle is that it demonstrated that God's presence was still there. The Torah-community was overjoyed, because God's presence meant everything to them.

This is what Hanukkah represents: the closeness to God; and the avoidance of Hellenization (assimilation).

The Torah Sages instituted the festival of Hanukkah at that time (Talmud, Shabbat 21b), to publicize the miracle (Rashi commentary, ibid). This is why we light our Hanukkah-menorahs.

(The Hanukkah-menorah, or hanukkiyah, is a special form of the original seven-branched menorah. Our Hanukkah-menorahs have eight spaces for oil, or candles, to mark each of the eight days for which the oil lasted and a ninth to hold the shamash, a candle used to light the others.)

The Al-Hanisim prayer which we recite during Hanukkah centers around the Hasmoneans' victory and rededication of the Temple, while the candle-lighting commemorates the miracle of the oil.

Though the military victory is prominently mentioned in the prayers, it wouldn't have been celebrated if not for the miracle of the oil.

It should also be noted that the main goal for which the Maccabees fought was not political independence. They fought to enable the people to observe the Torah's commandments; as we say in the Al Hanisim prayer: "the Greeks sought to cause us to forget Your Torah and leave Your statutes."

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Eight. Most menorahs have another one which is used to light the others, but it is not counted among their number.

See also:

What is Hannukah?

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βˆ™ 7y ago

The Hanukkah-menorah, or hanukkiyah, is a special form of the original seven-branched menorah. Hanukkah-menorahs have eight spaces for oil or candles, to mark each of the eight days for which the oil lasted in the miracle of Hanukkah. A ninth candle, the shamash, is placed to one side, and is used to light the others.See also the Related Link.

More about Hanukkah

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Eight, plus the shamash which is used to light the other candles. It can be part of the menorah or separate.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

The Hanukkah-menorah has eight, plus a shamash (helper-candle, to light the others).

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What is the 7 branched candleholder of judaism called?

It's called a menorah (see Exodus ch.25). hanukkah-menorahs, however, have eight branches.

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Why does a menorah have six or eight holders in a synagogue?

A menorah has 7 branches, to represent the 7 days of Creation. (There is also a specialized menorah for Hanukkah, called a Hanukkiyah, which has 9 branches, but there is nothing with 6 or 8 branches.)

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There is no such thing. A menorah has 7 branches. A specialized form of the menorah, called a Hanukkiyah, has 9 branches.

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No, although the Menorah is the oldest existing symbol of Judaism! The national emblem both of Judaism and of Israel is the Magen David - or Star Of David. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Do you have a good translation for the seven that protruded from the traditional menorah?

If you are asking if there are names for the seven branches of the menorah, there aren't.

What religion is the menorah associated?

Judaism - The religion of the Jewish people.

What is the holy smbol for Judaism?

The menorah, a 7 branch candelabra.

What does a seven-candle stand mean in Judaism?

The Menorah in the Temple had 7 branches (Exodus ch.25).The Hanukkah-menorah (channukiah) has 9 branches; 8 to remind us of the eight days of Hannukah and one extra which is used to light all the others.

What is the symbol called that is used for the Judaism festival called Hanukkah?

The Hanukkah-menorah.

What is the figure of Judaism?

It depends on how the word "figure" is read.If it is referring to which human being is the most important historical personage in Judaism, that would be the Prophet Moses, who received the Torah and helped the Jews escape bondage in Egypt.If it is referring to which symbols represent Judaism, those would be the Star of David and the Menorah (or candelabra).