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All of them.

In 1513 BCE Moses began the writing the Hebrew scriptures and the apostle John completed it in the Greek. All together there were about 40 writers, and they were all "Jews" (descendants of Abraham and Jacob) (Romans 3:1-2 tells us that the Jews were the ones entrusted with the sacred pronouncements of God).

The writers of the Christian Greek scriptures changed their religious practices when they became Christian, but they were still 'Jews' by birth. The first gentile to be accepted by God into the Christian congregation was Cornelius (Acts 10:1-12:25).

Another answer:All but two. Luke, the "beloved physician," author of the gospel that bears his name and Acts of the Apostles, was a Gentile.
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As Thomas Aquinas bluntly stated, "The author of the Holy Scripture is God." The New Testament book of 2 Timothy 3:16 fully attests to this. God chose to transmit His Word via various people, many of whom were from the tribe of Judah but not all as Moses was from the tribe of Levi and the Apostle Paul was from the Tribe of Benjamin, etals.

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Q: How many books in the Bible were written by Jewish people?
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This is what I quoted which is the answer to your question;The books in the bible are named after Prophets and People in the bible. Some books are written by themselves or 1 person writes more than 1 book.

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The Tanakh (Jewish Bible).