

Best Answer

There are 66 books in the protestant Bible. 39 in the Hebrew scriptures (also known as the Old Testament) and 27 in the Christian Greek scriptures (also known as the New Testament):

Name of Book: Genesis (1st book)

Writer: Moses

Place Written: Wilderness

Writing Completed (B.C.): 1513

Time Covered (B.C.): "In the beginning" to 1657

Name of Book: Exodus (2nd book)

Writer: Moses

Place Written: Wilderness

Writing Completed (B.C.): 1512

Time Covered (B.C.): 1657-1512

Name of Book: Leviticus (3rd book)

Writer: Moses

Place Written: Wilderness

Writing Completed (B.C.): 1512

Time Covered (B.C.): 1 month (1512)

Name of Book: Numbers (4th book)

Writer: Moses

Place Written: Wilderness and Plains of Moab

Writing Completed (B.C.): 1473

Time Covered (B.C.): 1512-1473

Name of Book: Deuteronomy (5th book)

Writer: Moses

Place Written: Plains of Moab

Writing Completed (B.C.): 1473

Time Covered (B.C.): 2 months (1473)

Name of Book: Joshua (6th book)

Writer: Joshua

Place Written: Canaan

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 1450

Time Covered (B.C.): 1473-c. 1450

Name of Book: Judges (7th book)

Writer: Samuel

Place Written: Israel

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 1100

Time Covered (B.C.): c. 1450-c. 1120

Name of Book: Ruth (8th book)

Writer: Samuel

Place Written: Israel

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 1090

Time Covered (B.C.): 11 years of Judges' rule

Name of Book: 1 Samuel (9th book)

Writers: Samuel; Nathan

Place Written: Israel

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 1078

Time Covered (B.C.): c. 1180-1078

Name of Book: 2 Samuel (10th book)

Writers: Nathan

Place Written: Israel

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 1040

Time Covered (B.C.): 1077-c. 1040

Name of Books: 1 Kings (11th book), 2 Kings (12th book)

Writer: Jeremiah

Place Written: Judah and Egypt

Writing Completed (B.C.): 1 roll 580

Time Covered (B.C.): c. 1040-580

Name of Books: 1 Chronicles (13th book), 2 Chronicles (14th book)

Writer: Ezra

Place Written: (?)

Writing Completed (B.C.): 1 roll c. 460

Time Covered (B.C.): After 1 Chronicles 9:44: 1077-537

Name of Book: Ezra (15th book)

Writer: Ezra

Place Written: Jerusalem

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 460

Time Covered (B.C.): 537-c. 467

Name of Book: Nehemiah (16th book)

Writer: Nehemiah

Place Written: Jerusalem

Writing Completed (B.C.): a. 443

Time Covered (B.C.): 456-a. 443

Name of Book: Esther (17th book)

Writer: Mordecai

Place Written: Shushan, Elam

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 475

Time Covered (B.C.): 493-c. 475

Name of Book: Job (18th book)

Writer: Moses

Place Written: Believed either in Backside of desert of Midian

Writing Completed (B.C.): ?

Time Covered (B.C.): ?

Name of Book: Psalms (19th book)

Writers: David, Asaph, Sons of Korah, Moses, Solomon, Hezekiah

Writing Completed (B.C.): ?

Name of Book: Proverbs (20th book)

Writers: Solomon

Place Written: Jerusalem

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 970

Name of Book: Ecclesiastes (21st book)

Writer: Solomon

Place Written: Jerusalem

Writing Completed (B.C.): 970

Name of Book: Song of Solomon, The (22nd book) [In Hebrew this book is named after the two opening words. Shir hash·Shi·rim´; The Latin Vulgate calls the book Can´ti·cum Can·ti·co´rumSa·lo·mo´nis, or "Solomon's Song of Songs" also known as Canticles.]

Writer: Solomon

Place Written: Jerusalem

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 970

Name of Book: Isaiah (23rd book)

Writer: Isaiah

Place Written: Jerusalem

Writing Completed (B.C.): 698

Time Covered (B.C.): 760-698

Name of Book: Jeremiah (24th book)

Writer: Jeremiah

Place Written: Judah; Egypt

Writing Completed (B.C.): 588

Time Covered (B.C.): 629-588

Name of Book: Lamentations (25th book)

Writer: Jeremiah

Place Written: Near Jerusalem

Writing Completed (B.C.): 588

Name of Book: Ezekiel (26th book)

Writer: Ezekiel

Place Written: Babylon

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 591

Time Covered (B.C.): 595-574

Name of Book: Daniel (27th book)

Writer: Daniel

Place Written: Babylon

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 534

Time Covered (B.C.): 607-534

Name of Book: Hosea (28th book)

Writer: Hosea

Place Written: Samaria (District)

Writing Completed (B.C.): a. 725

Time Covered (B.C.E.): b. 785- 725

Name of Book: Joel (29th book)

Writer: Joel

Place Written: Judah

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 800

Name of Book: Amos (30th book)

Writer: Amos

Place Written: Judah

Writing Completed (B.C.): 787

Name of Book: Obadiah (31st book)

Writer: Obadiah

Writing Completed (B.C.): 587

Name of Book: Jonah (32nd book)

Writer: Jonah

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 862

Name of Book: Micah (33rd book)

Writer: Micah

Place Written: Judah

Writing Completed (B.C.): 710

Time Covered (B.C.E.): 750-710

Name of Book: Nahum (34th book)

Writer: Nahum

Place Written: Judah

Writing Completed (B.C.): b. 713

Name of Book: Habakkuk (35th book)

Writer: Habakkuk

Place Written: Judah

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 626

Name of Book: Zephaniah (36th book)

Writer: Zephaniah

Place Written: Judah

Writing Completed (B.C.): 630

Name of Book: Haggai (37th book)

Writer: Haggai

Place Written: Jerusalem rebuilt

Writing Completed (B.C.): 520

Time Covered (B.C.): 520

Name of Book: Zechariah (38th book)

Writer: Zechariah

Place Written: Jerusalem rebuilt

Writing Completed (B.C.): 487

Time Covered (B.C.): 520-487

Name of Book: Malachi (39th book)

Writer: Malachi

Place Written: Jerusalem rebuilt

Writing Completed (B.C.): 397

Books of the Greek ScripturesWritten During the Common(Christian) Era

Name of Book: Matthew (40th book)

Writer: Apostle Matthew

Place Written: Antioch, Syria

Writing Completed (A.D.): 66-70 A.D.?

Time Covered: 2 B.C.-33 A.D.

Name of Book: Mark (41st book)

Writer: Mark

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): 65 A.D.?

Time Covered: 2 B.C-33 A.D.

Name of Book: Luke (42nd book)

Writer: Luke

Place Written: Caesarea, or Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.) 60?

Time Covered: 2 B.C.-33 A.D.

Name of Book: John (43rd book)

Writer: Apostle John

Place Written: Ephesus, or Possibly Patmos

Writing Completed (A.D.): 98?

Time Covered: Just after Baptism of CHRIST, 29-33 A.D.

Name of Book: Acts (44th book)

Writer: Luke

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): 60-61 A.D.?

Time Covered: 33-c. 61 A.D.

Name of Book: Romans (45th book)

Writer: Apostle Paul

Place Written: Corinth

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 57

Name of Book: 1 Corinthians (46th book)

Writer: Apostle Paul

Place Written: Ephesus

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 55

Name of Book: 2 Corinthians (47th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Macedonia

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 55

Name of Book: Galatians (48th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Corinth or Syrian Antioch

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 54?

Name of Book: Ephesians (49th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 60-61

Name of Book: Philippians (50th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 60-61

Name of Book: Colossians (51st book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 60-61

Name of Book: 1 Thessalonians (52nd book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Corinth

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 51

Name of Book: 2 Thessalonians (53rd book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Corinth

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 51

Name of Book: 1 Timothy (54th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 63-64

Name of Book: 2 Timothy (55th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 66-67

Name of Book: Titus (56th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 63-65

Name of Book: Philemon (57th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 60-61

Name of Book: Hebrews (58th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 61

Name of Book: James (59th book)

Writer: Apostle James

Place Written: Jerusalem

Writing Completed (A.D.): 48

Name of Book: 1 Peter (60th book)

Writer: Peter

Place Written: Babylon

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 63

Name of Book: 2 Peter (61st book)

Writer: Peter

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): 65-68

Name of Book: 1 John (62nd book)

Writer: Apostle John

Place Written: Ephesus, or near

Writing Completed (A.D.): 95

Name of Book: 2 John (63rd book)

Writer: Apostle John

Place Written: Ephesus, or near

Writing Completed (A.D.): 95

Name of Book: 3 John (64th book)

Writer: Apostle John

Place Written: Ephesus, or near

Writing Completed (A.D.): 95

Name of Book: Jude (65th book)

Writer: Apostle Jude

Place Written: Jerusalem

Writing Completed (A.D.): 65-70

Name of Book: Revelation (66th book)

Writer: Apostle John

Place Written: Patmos

Writing Completed (A.D.): 98?

B.C. Stands for Before CHRIST

A.D. Stands for Anno Domini (Year of our LORD)

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9y ago

There are 66 books in the protestant Bible. 39 in the Hebrew scriptures (also known as the Old Testament) and 27 in the Christian Greek scriptures (also known as the New Testament):

Name of Book: Genesis (1st book)

Writer: Moses

Place Written: Wilderness

Writing Completed (B.C.): 1513

Time Covered (B.C.): "In the beginning" to 1657

Name of Book: Exodus (2nd book)

Writer: Moses

Place Written: Wilderness

Writing Completed (B.C.): 1512

Time Covered (B.C.): 1657-1512

Name of Book: Leviticus (3rd book)

Writer: Moses

Place Written: Wilderness

Writing Completed (B.C.): 1512

Time Covered (B.C.): 1 month (1512)

Name of Book: Numbers (4th book)

Writer: Moses

Place Written: Wilderness and Plains of Moab

Writing Completed (B.C.): 1473

Time Covered (B.C.): 1512-1473

Name of Book: Deuteronomy (5th book)

Writer: Moses

Place Written: Plains of Moab

Writing Completed (B.C.): 1473

Time Covered (B.C.): 2 months (1473)

Name of Book: Joshua (6th book)

Writer: Joshua

Place Written: Canaan

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 1450

Time Covered (B.C.): 1473-c. 1450

Name of Book: Judges (7th book)

Writer: Samuel

Place Written: Israel

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 1100

Time Covered (B.C.): c. 1450-c. 1120

Name of Book: Ruth (8th book)

Writer: Samuel

Place Written: Israel

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 1090

Time Covered (B.C.): 11 years of Judges' rule

Name of Book: 1 Samuel (9th book)

Writers: Samuel; Nathan

Place Written: Israel

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 1078

Time Covered (B.C.): c. 1180-1078

Name of Book: 2 Samuel (10th book)

Writers: Nathan

Place Written: Israel

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 1040

Time Covered (B.C.): 1077-c. 1040

Name of Books: 1 Kings (11th book), 2 Kings (12th book)

Writer: Jeremiah

Place Written: Judah and Egypt

Writing Completed (B.C.): 1 roll 580

Time Covered (B.C.): c. 1040-580

Name of Books: 1 Chronicles (13th book), 2 Chronicles (14th book)

Writer: Ezra

Place Written: (?)

Writing Completed (B.C.): 1 roll c. 460

Time Covered (B.C.): After 1 Chronicles 9:44: 1077-537

Name of Book: Ezra (15th book)

Writer: Ezra

Place Written: Jerusalem

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 460

Time Covered (B.C.): 537-c. 467

Name of Book: Nehemiah (16th book)

Writer: Nehemiah

Place Written: Jerusalem

Writing Completed (B.C.): a. 443

Time Covered (B.C.): 456-a. 443

Name of Book: Esther (17th book)

Writer: Mordecai

Place Written: Shushan, Elam

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 475

Time Covered (B.C.): 493-c. 475

Name of Book: Job (18th book)

Writer: Moses

Place Written: Believed either in Backside of desert of Midian

Writing Completed (B.C.): ?

Time Covered (B.C.): ?

Name of Book: Psalms (19th book)

Writers: David, Asaph, Sons of Korah, Moses, Solomon, Hezekiah

Writing Completed (B.C.): ?

Name of Book: Proverbs (20th book)

Writers: Solomon

Place Written: Jerusalem

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 970

Name of Book: Ecclesiastes (21st book)

Writer: Solomon

Place Written: Jerusalem

Writing Completed (B.C.): 970

Name of Book: Song of Solomon, The (22nd book) [In Hebrew this book is named after the two opening words. Shir hash·Shi·rim´; The Latin Vulgate calls the book Can´ti·cum Can·ti·co´rumSa·lo·mo´nis, or "Solomon's Song of Songs" also known as Canticles.]

Writer: Solomon

Place Written: Jerusalem

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 970

Name of Book: Isaiah (23rd book)

Writer: Isaiah

Place Written: Jerusalem

Writing Completed (B.C.): 698

Time Covered (B.C.): 760-698

Name of Book: Jeremiah (24th book)

Writer: Jeremiah

Place Written: Judah; Egypt

Writing Completed (B.C.): 588

Time Covered (B.C.): 629-588

Name of Book: Lamentations (25th book)

Writer: Jeremiah

Place Written: Near Jerusalem

Writing Completed (B.C.): 588

Name of Book: Ezekiel (26th book)

Writer: Ezekiel

Place Written: Babylon

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 591

Time Covered (B.C.): 595-574

Name of Book: Daniel (27th book)

Writer: Daniel

Place Written: Babylon

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 534

Time Covered (B.C.): 607-534

Name of Book: Hosea (28th book)

Writer: Hosea

Place Written: Samaria (District)

Writing Completed (B.C.): a. 725

Time Covered (B.C.E.): b. 785- 725

Name of Book: Joel (29th book)

Writer: Joel

Place Written: Judah

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 800

Name of Book: Amos (30th book)

Writer: Amos

Place Written: Judah

Writing Completed (B.C.): 787

Name of Book: Obadiah (31st book)

Writer: Obadiah

Writing Completed (B.C.): 587

Name of Book: Jonah (32nd book)

Writer: Jonah

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 862

Name of Book: Micah (33rd book)

Writer: Micah

Place Written: Judah

Writing Completed (B.C.): 710

Time Covered (B.C.E.): 750-710

Name of Book: Nahum (34th book)

Writer: Nahum

Place Written: Judah

Writing Completed (B.C.): b. 713

Name of Book: Habakkuk (35th book)

Writer: Habakkuk

Place Written: Judah

Writing Completed (B.C.): c. 626

Name of Book: Zephaniah (36th book)

Writer: Zephaniah

Place Written: Judah

Writing Completed (B.C.): 630

Name of Book: Haggai (37th book)

Writer: Haggai

Place Written: Jerusalem rebuilt

Writing Completed (B.C.): 520

Time Covered (B.C.): 520

Name of Book: Zechariah (38th book)

Writer: Zechariah

Place Written: Jerusalem rebuilt

Writing Completed (B.C.): 487

Time Covered (B.C.): 520-487

Name of Book: Malachi (39th book)

Writer: Malachi

Place Written: Jerusalem rebuilt

Writing Completed (B.C.): 397

Books of the Greek ScripturesWritten During the Common(Christian) Era

Name of Book: Matthew (40th book)

Writer: Apostle Matthew

Place Written: Antioch, Syria

Writing Completed (A.D.): 66-70 A.D.?

Time Covered: 2 B.C.-33 A.D.

Name of Book: Mark (41st book)

Writer: Mark

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): 65 A.D.?

Time Covered: 2 B.C-33 A.D.

Name of Book: Luke (42nd book)

Writer: Luke

Place Written: Caesarea, or Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.) 60?

Time Covered: 2 B.C.-33 A.D.

Name of Book: John (43rd book)

Writer: Apostle John

Place Written: Ephesus, or Possibly Patmos

Writing Completed (A.D.): 98?

Time Covered: Just after Baptism of CHRIST, 29-33 A.D.

Name of Book: Acts (44th book)

Writer: Luke

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): 60-61 A.D.?

Time Covered: 33-c. 61 A.D.

Name of Book: Romans (45th book)

Writer: Apostle Paul

Place Written: Corinth

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 57

Name of Book: 1 Corinthians (46th book)

Writer: Apostle Paul

Place Written: Ephesus

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 55

Name of Book: 2 Corinthians (47th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Macedonia

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 55

Name of Book: Galatians (48th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Corinth or Syrian Antioch

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 54?

Name of Book: Ephesians (49th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 60-61

Name of Book: Philippians (50th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 60-61

Name of Book: Colossians (51st book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 60-61

Name of Book: 1 Thessalonians (52nd book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Corinth

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 51

Name of Book: 2 Thessalonians (53rd book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Corinth

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 51

Name of Book: 1 Timothy (54th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 63-64

Name of Book: 2 Timothy (55th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 66-67

Name of Book: Titus (56th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 63-65

Name of Book: Philemon (57th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 60-61

Name of Book: Hebrews (58th book)

Writer: Paul

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 61

Name of Book: James (59th book)

Writer: Apostle James

Place Written: Jerusalem

Writing Completed (A.D.): 48

Name of Book: 1 Peter (60th book)

Writer: Peter

Place Written: Babylon

Writing Completed (A.D.): c. 63

Name of Book: 2 Peter (61st book)

Writer: Peter

Place Written: Rome

Writing Completed (A.D.): 65-68

Name of Book: 1 John (62nd book)

Writer: Apostle John

Place Written: Ephesus, or near

Writing Completed (A.D.): 95

Name of Book: 2 John (63rd book)

Writer: Apostle John

Place Written: Ephesus, or near

Writing Completed (A.D.): 95

Name of Book: 3 John (64th book)

Writer: Apostle John

Place Written: Ephesus, or near

Writing Completed (A.D.): 95

Name of Book: Jude (65th book)

Writer: Apostle Jude

Place Written: Jerusalem

Writing Completed (A.D.): 65-70

Name of Book: Revelation (66th book)

Writer: Apostle John

Place Written: Patmos

Writing Completed (A.D.): 98?

B.C. Stands for Before CHRIST

A.D. Stands for Anno Domini (Year of our LORD)

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Q: How many books are in the Protestant Bible?
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There are 27 books in the new testament/christian testament

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No. In Christian Bible there is 73 books - but Protestant Bible have 66 books.

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73 books in the Bible There are 67 books in the Protestant Bible.

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No - the Apocryphal books are non-canonical, that is, they are not part of the Protestant Bible.

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Methodists use the standard 'Protestant' Bible - King James Version, etc - which has 66 books within.

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There are 66 books in the bible. 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. 66 for the Protestant Bible. 73 for the Catholic Bible.

How many books are there in protestant bible?

There are 39 books in the old testament and 27 books in the New testament. 66 books in all.

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The Protestants do not think any books are missing from their Bible.

How many books have the bible?

The Protestant Bible has 66 books in total and Catholic Bible has 73 books. The Protestant Old Testament has 39 books. The Catholic Old Testament includes 7 additional books (e.g. Baruch, Tobit, Judith, etc.) in additional to extra chapters in book of Daniel. The Hebrew Bible includes the same books as the Protestant Old Testament but combines a number of books (e.g. Twelve minor prophet books are a single book). And the New Testament has 27 books both in the Protestant and Catholic Bibles.

How many books does the Bible have?

The Protestant Bible has 66 books in total and Catholic Bible has 73 books. The Protestant Old Testament has 39 books. The Catholic Old Testament includes 7 additional books (e.g. Baruch, Tobit, Judith, etc.) in additional to extra chapters in book of Daniel. The Hebrew Bible includes the same books as the Protestant Old Testament but combines a number of books (e.g. Twelve minor prophet books are a single book). And the New testament has 27 books both in the Protestant and Catholic Bibles.

How many books are in a holy bible?

The Hebrew Bible has 24 books, Catholic Bibles have 73 books, Protestant Bibles have 66 books, and Eastern Orthodox Bibles have up to 81 books.