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Barren women who were later blessed and conceived, There were not 4 there are actually 5 women in total mentioned in biblical texts (KJV)

Sarah - wife of Abraham and mother to Isaac - Genesis 11

Rebekah - wife of Isaac and mother to Esau and Jacob - Genesis 25

Rachael - wife of Jacob and mother of Joseph and Benjamin - Genesis 29

Wife of Manoah and mother of Samson - Judges 13

Elisabeth- wife of Zacharias and mother to John the Baptist - Luke 1

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 3y ago
Hannah wife of Elhanah. Mother of Samuel.Β 
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Women who were barren in The Bible were:

Sarai (later named Sarah by the Lord) Genesis 16

Rebekah Genesis 25:21

Rachel Genesis 30

Monah's wife (No name is given for her, she later becomes the mother of Samson) Judges 13

Hannah 1 Samuel 1

Michal 2 Sam 6

The Shunammite Woman 11 Kings 4

Elisabeth Luke 1

Many of the above women had a child/children after being barren for many years.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Hannah (mother of Samuel), Sarah (mother of Isaac), Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist), and Rebekah (mother of Jacob and Esau) were barren for lengthy times but all were eventually blessed with a child or children.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

There were few such as Sarah Abrahams wife , Hannah mother of Samuel was another.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Jesus, born to the virgin Mary is the first one that comes to mind.

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Nothing particularly, as far as I can remember; but a barren woman comes from the Lord, as He is the one who shuts up the womb; and he also is the one who opens up the womb again; as he did for many Godly women in the Bible; as Sarah, Rebekah, Rachael, Hannah, Elizabeth.

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Not bred Barren, in spiritual terms, is to not be able to produce; fruitless. Such as barren women, in The Bible, who weren't able to be fruitful & multiply (have children). There's also the parable about the barren fig tree.

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Rebekah was a biblical character. In the bible, she was a mistress.

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Deserts are barren landscapes. In the past, 'barren' was used to describe women who could not have children. Sally looked out at her barren garden and began to think of next year's plantings.

Why barren women are mean and not sympathetic?

Not all "barren women" are mean and unsympathetic - some could be due to their own disappointment and frustration due to infertility issues.

What does barren mean in the bible dictionary in greek?

Childless; Unable to have children.

How many woman in The bible?

It is 240 women who was in The Bible. But the list goes on and on.

How many woman are in the Bible?

It is 240 women who was in the bible. But the list goes on and on.

How many women apostle?

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How many women names in bible?
