There are 6666 Ayats in the Quran.
6666 ayats are there in the quran
There are 114 surahs (Chapters) and 6236 ayats (verses).see the related question below.
6236 Ayats (or verses) in 114 surats (or chapters).
In the holy Quran there are 114 Surah.
There are 557 rakus in the Holy Quran.
In Holy Quran there are 1015030 dots.
25 , prophets are mentioned in holy Quran .
In Holy Quran there are 5098 Waqf or stop.
In Holy Quran there are 93243 bar or zaber.
We should read the Holy Quran daily and we should tell our kids to read the Quran daily. Holy Quran teaches us how to live our lives and how to improve our life style. There are many online Holy Quran websites to.