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In the prophetic parable known as Revelation, "stars" represent "angels."

"...the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches..." (Rev.1:20).

In the summary inset chapter of Revelation 12 that reveals Satan's historical and prophetic role in global events, the Dragon (Satan) is revealed in the chronological beginning to have coerced "one-third" of God's created angels to follow him in his rebellion against God's throne and government:

"...behold, a Great Red Dragon... and his tail drew THE THIRD PART OF THE STARS OF HEAVEN, and did cast them to the earth..." (Rev.12:3-4).

The biblical evidence, then, is that God's created angels are divided into three groups... which coincides with the revealed names in The Bible of the three leaders, archangels, of these groups: Lucifer, Gabriel and Michael.

Lucifer's angelic third followed him... Michael's angelic third fought and defeated Satan's third... "...there was war in heaven: Michael and HIS ANGELS fought against the Dragon; and the Dragon fought and HIS ANGELS..." (Rev.12:7).

That would leave the final third under Gabriel's authority. Though nothing is really said about Gabriel's angels... it only stands to reason that the last third would be his.

The evidence leads to three archangels. There are a total of seven archangels as illustrated in the Book of Enoch.

Only one is actually described in the Bible. But the historical book of Enoch says that there are seven arch angels of which Michael may be the head arch angel. So there may be as many as seven or eight if you do not include Michael with the other seven.

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Saint Archangels Monastery was created in 1352.

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You can find a ton of pictures of the Archangels on Google Images. Just search "The Archangels" on Google and click images after you searched the word.

Which saints are archangels?

There are thought to be seven archangels but only three are mentioned in the Bible - Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.

Are archangels evil?

No. Archangels are the highest rank of angels in heaven. The only archangel that the Jewish faith recognizes is Michael. According to Protestants, archangels include Michael and Gabriel. Catholics recognize Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. Muslims believe in the archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Azarel. Many other religions and traditions also believe in archangels. You may be associating the term archangel with evil because Lucifer, aka Satan, was an archangel until his fall.

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The word for 'archangels' in Irish is ardaingil [awrdh-ang-ill]

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