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There are some 1,300,000 known types of animals. The vast majority are small: 1,200,000 invertebrates, mostly insects.

There are some 8,250 reptiles, 10,000 birds, and 5,400 mammals.

Species which survive in water were not taken on the ark.

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11y ago
A:In Genesis 6:19-20, Noah is told to take two of every animal onto the Ark, clean or unclean, but in Genesis 7:1 he is told to take two of every unclean animal, but seven of every clean animal. The reason for this surprising find is that there are actually two stories of Noah's Ark in The Bible, written by two different authors and cleverly interleaved so that the result appears to be just one, rather complicated story. In the same way as there are two answers to this question, we can also find that one story has the flood subsiding in just forty days, while the other says that it lasted one year.

We do not know the names of the two different authors of the biblical stories of Noah, and they are now called the Priestly Source and the Yahwist:

  • The Flood verses attributed to the Priestly author are: Genesis 6:9-22, 7:6, 7:8-9, 7:11, 7:13-16a, 7:18-21, 7:24, 8:1-2a, 8:3b-5, 8:7, 8:13a, 8:14-19, 9:1-17.
  • The verses attributed to the Yahwist are: Genesis 6:5-8, 7:1-5, 7:7, 7:10, 7:12, 7:16b-17, 7:22-23, 8:2b-3a, 8:6, 8:8-12, 8:13b, 8:20-22.


It's all a myth, science has proven beyond doubt that there was never a world-wide flood at any time within the last 20,000,000 years. Actually the whole book of Genesis is a provable myth.

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Q: How many animals of each species did Noah take with him in the Ark?
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Moses didn't take any animals on the ark, Noah did.

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According to the Bible, Noah's Ark carried two of each kind of unclean animal and seven of each kind of clean animal, along with Noah, his family, and provisions for them all during the great flood.

How many animals of each kind went into the ark?

Two, one of female and one of male so that they could...make offspring.

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There are more than one million species of animals that have been cataloged. More are discovered each year.

How many animals of each sort did Noah take with him on his arc?

The Bible says that Noah took two of each kind of animal, one male and one female, with him on the Arc. However, he took more than that number of humans, as all his sons and their wives were on the Arc.

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No, in many species parents will protect offspring.

How many were they at Noah's ark?

8 family members 28 animals