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Eight angels. Quran says *meaning English translation):

"And the angels are at its edges. And there will bear the Throne of your Lord above them, that Day, eight [of them]." (69:17)

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Q: How many angels will be carrying the throne of Allah?
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Is Allah mohammed?

Allah is the name of the Islamic God in the Arabic language. Prophet Mohammed is the lfounder of Islam. He is the Messenger of Allah. The angels: there are many.

Who are Angels explain in brief?

Angel Gabriel brought Allah's words to the Prophet Muhammad and therefore we call Gabriel the Messenger Angel. There are many other angels and we can read about them in the Quran. Each of us has two angels who accompany him. These angels take note of everything we do. They write down our good deeds and our bad deeds. We call these angels the Writing Angels. There are other angels, too. For example, there is an angel who helps people when they die. This angel brings death, so we call him the Angel of Death. We cannot see the angels because they are made of things which our eyes cannot see. But all the same, we know that they are there, because Allah has told us so. Sometimes, we can even feel the presence of these angels. Angels are created by Allah, just as man and everything else has been created by Him. Angels obey Allah and are His servants. They perform many tasks and keep the world in being by obeying Allah's commands. We know that when the sun rises and sets, when the clouds move in the sky, when the raindrops fall, when the plants grow and many other things happen in nature, it is Allah Who has crated them and Allah Who sustains them. Nothing can happen without Allah's will. In the same way, Allah created the angels who obey Him. They carry out His will, and take great care that everything goes according to Allah's will. They are the obedient servants of Allah. Allah wanted man to obey Him, to pray to Him and to do good. He wanted man to know about Allah. That is why the Angel Gabriel was sent by Allah. The Angel Gabriel told Muhammad what Allah wanted man to do. This was Gabriel's task. Through the Angel Gabriel, Allah had spoken to many prophets before Muhammad, so that man would remember and not forget what Allah wants him to do. We can read about this in the Quran. Here there are the stories of Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa (Alaih Salwat Ajmaeen) and many other prophets. All of them have said to man: IN ALLAH ALONE YOU SHOULD BELIEVE ALLAH ALONE YOU SHOULD WORSHIP ONLY GOOD DEEDS YOU SHOULD DO

What were the names of the angels that assisted Allah?

So many, one of them the most spoken on Koran is Gabriel.

How do angels affect the lives of Muslims?

It is obligatory, and in fact an essential part of faith to respect all of the Angels. Therefore, it is unthinkable for Muslims to have any animosity towards any of the Angels, let alone cursing them. Any such action is considered an act of Kaffir (disbelief). However, we should not try to guess the nature or form of angels. Certainly, there is no basis in Islam. We should also be careful that our children don't grow up with an incorrect concept of angels. Angels thus teach us the benefits of specialization. So, in the Islamic society, some members must specialize in the Qur'an and its sciences, others in medicine, still others in agriculture and so on and so forth, so that the Muslim community becomes efficient and well balanced. Muslim beliefs require us to believe in the angels in Islam. One who denies the angels does not have true faith.

How many does Allah have including Allah?

stupid question indeed , allah is one ..

What are beliefs of the Islamic religion?

God: Islam teaches that there is only one supreme god, 'Allah'. He is the one alone to them that created the universe. They belief that is you do not believe in the lord than you are ungrateful. Angels: Islam believe in angels, they belief that they are the light and have different purposes. The Angel Gabriel as the one ho brought the prophet to Muhammad. Two angels named Scriptures: there are many more but these are two that i know of!!

Who started the worship of Allah?

The Quran tells that the 1st thing Allah created before creating this universe (even before Adam AS) was the Noor (Light) of Muhammad and that Muhammad's Noor being the only "existing thing", worshiped Allah. Then Allah created skies, paradise, angels, houris, hell, planets, spirits of all the human beings, stars etc and all of them had their own way of worshiping Allah. Among humans worshiping Allah started with the creation of Adam (AS) and Hawwa (Eve AS) who worshiped Him in Paradise according to the way inspired in their hearts by Allah. There are many ways to worship Allah from rembering him in heart, in open, doing good deeds to others, acquiring and spreading knowledge of religion as well as world knowledge to benefit others, praying, struggling in his cause with your wealth and even with your life if the need arises and even removing a stone or throne form someone's path is worshiping Allah. If you're asking about the current "Prayer" way of worshiping Allah, it was told to Muslims by Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) but had been in effect since Adam and Eve (AS) with some very minor differences.

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there is one syllable in the word throne

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Did the Romans worship Allah?

no, they worshiped many god's and goddesses, but Allah was not one of them