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Q: How many United Methodist Church in Florida?
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How many pages does The United Methodist Hymnal have?

The United Methodist Hymnal has 960 pages.

How many Methodist presidents have you had?

Two were active members of the Methodist Church. Three others attended Methodist Services with some frequency but did not join. One other professed to be a Methodist but attended his wife's Presbyterian Church.

Does Methodism permit same-sex marriage?

Not currently. There is an active movement among many people in at least the United Methodist Church to change that stance.

Would a Methodist pastor marry a lesbian couple?

No. According to the official policy of the church, United Methodist pastors are not allowed to celebrate unions of same gender couples. Such rites are not allowed in United Methodist churches or on church property. Were a United Methodist pastor to marry a lesbian couple s/he would be in danger of being brought up on charges that could result in the severing of his/her connection to the conference. They could be defrocked. However, several have done so in protest. The results often end in defrocking. The United Methodist Church has had internal debate on homosexuality since at least 1972. To date, while homosexual persons are individuals of sacred worth, the practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching. Many within the denomination are working to change this stance. The Church is not of one mind on this issue.

How many members are there in the United Methodist Church?

There are 123 United Methodist Affiliated schools, colleges, and universities. Keep in mind that this is including about a dozen college prep schools. Larger, more well-known United Methodist colleges include Boston University, Duke University, and American University.

What is difference between aldersgate Methodist church and First United Methodist Church?

You haven't given enough information for your question to be answered. There are many "First" United Methodist Churches. Often there's one per town/city. There are also many "Aldersgate" United Methodist Churches, though "First" is by far the most common name. Aldersgate is a street in London, England where John Wesley's heart was "strangely warmed." John Wesley began the Methodist movement within the Anglican Church, which eventually became it's own church. From the information you've given, the only difference is the name. However, in any town where two churches of these names exist, you would be able to draw any number of comparisons such as worship attendance, worship style, theological hallmarks, and etc. You'd be better off searching for websites for each church or calling each church directly to find out the differences you're interested in.

What is the United Methodist Church's position on same-sex marriage?

Although the Methodist church does not encourage or support divorce, it will perform marriages of people who had divorced another person.

Is the King James version used by Methodists?

Many Methodists use the King James Version. The United Methodist Church does not prescribe any particular version of the Bible and, as far as I know, neither does any other Methodist denomination.

Born again Methodist?

Although many Methodists consider themselves to be born again, the Methodist church does not require such a belief.

Where the Methodist Hospital?

There are many Methodist hospitals, all over the world. In the U.S., most large urban areas have hospitals and universities/colleges associated with the Methodist Church.

What is the difference between Methodist and Christian's?

I was raised Mormon I have attended Baptist church many years. In the last year I have been attending the First Church of the Nazarene. I trusted Christ as my savior many years ago. I do see some differences between Baptist and Nazarene. I believe Christ is my savior, and once saved always saved. So far, I don't see a strong difference between Christian and Methodist.

How many United Methodist churches are in New york?

There are nine hundred and twelve United Methodist Churches in the New York state with twelve territories in the same state.