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How many muslims are killed in Myanmar

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Q: How many Muslim are killed in myanmar?
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How many Muslim victims resulted from the current massacres against Muslims in Myanmar?

Not nearly as many as the Islamist propaganda states. Many of the images used to show how Muslims have been attacked have now been proven to be of other non-related events.

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The Bosnian are killed because they are Muslims. Serbs are always hated Muslim and they waited for opportunity that they can killed.

What are the reasons behind the massacres against Muslims in Myanmar?

Sadly, in many countries, Myanmar (Burma) among them, religious prejudice and fear of "the other" are at the root of any conflict. In this case, the majority of Myanmar is Buddhist, and while Buddhists are not generally known for violence, whenever there are problems in a society, the ruling party or the country's leader will stir up the majority to blame the minority for everything. This appears to be the case in Myanmar, where the populace have been told that the Muslim minority are a danger. There have been stories that Muslim men rape Buddhist women, stories that Muslims are trying to take over the country and destroy the majority culture, and stories that members of the Muslim minority (a group called the Rohingya) are in the country illegally. Myanmar is currently a very economically and politically insecure country, having been ruled for years by a rather brutal military government. Blaming the minority (in this case, Muslims, but we see this same phenomenon in many countries, and with many religious or ethnic groups) buys the government some time and distracts the populace. It's a cynical tactic, but it often works in the short run.

What happens to a Muslim man who murders another family member who is Muslim?

Rules of Islam states that a killer is killed no matter who he killed...(Except in special circumstances...War, Not on purpose and stuff)

How many square miles Myanmar?

657,740 sq mile

Why is the international media ignoring the massacres against Muslims in Myanmar?

the media is under the control of jews,the jews are anti-muslim,so that is my part of the equation

How many population in Myanmar?

The current estimated population of Myanmar is around 55 million people.

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