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Q: How many Faith-based organizations are there in Canada and US?
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Why did the US canada and most western european countries form?

Canada, the United States, and many European countries (western ones especially) are strong allies. They are part of many organizations. For example, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Canada and the US are also participants in the Council of Europe (as are every country in Europe). The US and Canada are somewhat like offspring of Western Europe; they gained independence from this area (both the UK and France specifically) and based on their formation on this area (both the UK and France especially). As a result, they just stuck together.

How many more provinces are in Canada than the US?

Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories. The US has states, no provinces.

Canada Has to work with the US to solve the problem of acid rain because the US what?

Purchases many of the goods that Canada produces in its factories

What is the countery south of Canada?

There are many countries south of Canada. However, the one that directly borders Canada to the south is the US.

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Where is maytage made?

They have many plants across US and Canada.

How many of Canada's provinces and territories do not border the US?


How many evangelical christians in the us?

hes in Canada not usa

How many more people does US have than Canada?


How many villages are there in the US?

there are 600 villages in Canada

How many countries border the US?

Pretty much just Canada and Mexico.