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Nero put to death his brother, wife and mother plus a great many of the aristocrats in the widespread plot of Piso. But remember he had a reason for these acts. He also put many Christians to death as they were accused and found guilty of arson.

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His mom, Agrippina

Both his wives, Octavia and Poppaea Sabina



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100 000 people died

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Nero was killed outside of Rome.

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Q: How many Christians did Nero kill?
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Did Nero brutally torture people?

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Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.

Who was accused of burning down ancient Rome?

Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.

Why did Nero have self-acknowledged christians arrested first?

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Why did the senate decide to kill Nero?

The senate declared Nero a public enemy, in 68 AD. He was then forced to commit suicide. The senate did this on account of Nero placing blame on the Christians for the fire of 'The Golden House'. (A well known palace structure in Rome.)

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Were christians friends with emperor nero?

Nero was said to have persecuted the Christians as a scapegoat because there were accusations that he started the Great Fire of Rome in 64. Some modern historians doubt this. It this was the case, the Christians would not have been friends with Nero.

Why did Roman leaders stop tolerating Christians?

The Roman Government began persecuting Christians under Emperor Nero. Nero began to execute large numbers of Christians following the Great Fire of Rome. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, the population searched for a scapegoat and rumors held Nero responsible. To deflect blame, Nero targeted Christians.

Why did the Roman government begin persecuting the Christians?

The Roman Government began persecuting Christians under Emperor Nero. Nero began to execute large numbers of Christians following the Great Fire of Rome. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, the population searched for a scapegoat and rumors held Nero responsible. To deflect blame, Nero targeted Christians.

What was the persecution of Nero?

He persecuted Christians for what they believed in.

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