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The Bible says that Moses led 600,000 fighting men out of Egypt, which would mean at least two and a half million people, including women, children, proests, sick and elderly and even exectant women. The Bible also talks of the Israelites taking their livestock, wagons and other accroutrements with them.

Artistic representations always show a small group of people being quickly led across the seabed of the Red Sea, chased by the Egyptian army about to be overcome and destroyed by the waters. However, the number of people represented in the Bible would have taken days or weeks to cross, especially when we consider the sick and elderly as well as women in the late stages of pregnancy, and would have extended for several kilometres in all directions. The Egyptians should have had no difficulty in cutting down the multitude.

On the other hand, the clear consensus of more than ninety per cent of scholars is that there never was an Exodus from Egypt as described in the Bible. There therefore was no parade of people that Moses led across the Red Sea.

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Q: How long was the parade of people Moses led out of Egypt?
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