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St. Augustine of Canterbury established Catholic Christianity in England in 597 A.D. so approximately a 1,000 years.

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Q: How long was England Catholic before Henry VIII?
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What was the religion of Henry 2?

Henry the VIII was a good roman catholic but he then turned into a protestant (church of England.

Who is the catholic who became king of England?

From the foundation of England up to Henry VIII, all monarchs of England were catholic. After Henry VIII only his daughter Mary was a catholic Queen all the rest have been Church of England protestants.

Who lead England's break from the catholic church?

Henry VIII.

What is Henry religion?

Henry VIII was a catholic but then founded the Church of England after disputes with the Pope.

How was Henry VIII significant to Christianity?

Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and founded the Church of England.

Who is Henry VIII?

Henry VIII was the King of England. He is best known for breaking away from the Catholic Church and his six wives.

What religionwas Henry the vi?

Catholic, they all were before Henry VIII.

What did Henry VIII do to save England and why?

Henry viii saved England by stopping The Church of England and Roman Catholic church being separate.By Nuzzat CHOWDHURY IN year 5

Which of the following monarchs formally separated the Church of England from the Catholic Church in 1534 Henry VIII William the Conqueror John you Elizabeth I Henry VIII?

Henry the VIII did NOT separate the Church of England from the Catholic Church, he separated the Catholic Church IN Englandfrom the rest of the Catholic Church and formed the Church OF England. Big difference, before Henry VIII there was no Church OF England, only the Catholic Church IN England. In 1534 he had Parliment issue the Act of Supremacy.from the Website :Sovereign and Pope in English Bidding Prayersbefore and after 1534J. Frank HendersonIn 1534 King Henry VIII decreed that he was not only sovereign -- the ruler -- of the country but also supreme head of the church in England. In other words, he now took the place of the pope, who had no further role to play in England. Henry's claim to supremacy was made both legally and politically, but also liturgically.

Which monarch left the catholic church?

king Henry viii of England

Was Henry VIII a Catholic priest?

No, he was the King of England and he founded the Church of England when he had a disagreement with the Pope.

What religion was England when Henry viii became king?

England was mainly catholic with the Pope in Rome head of the church. When Henry III fell out with the Pope over divorces, Henry broke off from Rome, and Protestantism became the official religion in England, with Henry III as head of the new church. This led to the Dissolution of the Monasteries and other catholic religious buildings. Many can still be seen as ruins in Britain today.