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This depends entirely on age and your knowledge and understanding of the Eucharist. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that one should be at the age of reason before receiving Holy Communion. Basically, you should be able to tell right from wrong and understand that the Eucharist is the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. The usual age is seven or eight years old. However, for those baptized later in life, they can prepare for baptism and communion at the same time, and receive Holy Communion right after baptism.

Since the Eucharist is the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ, is it good to be clean from sin before receiving Him. Therefore, it is very good to receive your first confession sometime before your first Holy Communion.

One interested thing to note, it could be as little as 30 minutes. For instance, converts that come into the Church as adults are usually baptised at the Easter Vigil and make their First Holy Communion later at the same Mass. This is because baptism wipes away ALL sin: mortal and venial. Converts who have already been baptised must go to confession before the Easter Vigil to make their first Holy Communion. As noted above, one should always have been to confession before receiving Holy Communion. Receiving Holy Communion in a state of sin is always a grievous sin, and a sacrilege since you are dishonoring the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. St. Paul mentions that this is one of the reason that people get sick and die.

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Until you feel like you're genuinely ready for it. Or, if you're catholic, until you'e born.

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