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2-3 hours depending on how many people are being confirmed!

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11y ago

Depending on the size of the class, anywhere from 30 mins for a single with a small ceremony to 3 hours.

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Q: How long is the confirmation mass?
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How long is a confirmation mass in English and spanish with 50 kids?

probably about 90 minutes

Do you receive Confirmation during a separate ceremony than Mass?

.Roman Catholic AnswerYou can, but the usual way is to celebrate Confirmation in the middle of Mass.

Why do you celebrate confirmAtion within mass?

Because Confirmation leads us to the Eucharist and full initiation into the Church.

How does magic work?

Mass hysteria and confirmation bias.

What sacred object do you use in Confirmation?

.Catholic AnswerIn confirmation, the Bishop, usually vested for Mass, anoints the confirmand with Sacred Chrism.

What is the difference between regular confirmation and regular mass?

Confirmation mass is usually held by the Bishops, there is an additional swearing-in so to speak, it takes a lot longer than a regular mass. Better in general to not take oaths... nothing to be ashamed of though.

Can the mothers be the sponsor in confirmation in a Catholic Church?

No, but, she can act as stand in for the chosen sponsor, should the sponsor not be able to be physically present at the Confirmation Mass.

Why does the celebration of Confirmation take place within a Mass?

It doesn't always take place during Mass, it may, but it certainly doesn't have to.

Why wear a red gown at confirmation?

Red is the color used on feasts of the Holy Spirit. Confirmation is the sacrament of the Holy Spirit.

Can a priest refuse to give confirmation to a church member?

Yes he can. He may deny Confirmation to a young person who does not attend Holy Mass regular, for example.

What are the two sacraments that have to be led by the bishop in mass not the priest?

Confirmation and Holy Orders

Who can perform confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church?

Often, a bishop or another clergyman with higher rank performs the Confirmation, but by delegation (If they are authorized to take over the confirmation for the bishop because he is busy with something else), an abbot or priest can also perform the Confirmation Mass.