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Q: How long has the star matariki been around for?
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How far away is matariki?

Matariki is a star cluster located around 440 light-years away from Earth.

Is Matariki a star?

In Māori, Matariki is the name of the Pleiades star cluster. [See related question]

Who discovered Matariki?

Māori people of New Zealand have been observing and celebrating the appearance of Matariki (Pleiades star cluster) for centuries. It is a traditional practice that has been passed down through generations. No single person can be credited with the discovery of Matariki as it has been known and observed by Māori ancestors for a long time.

What is the other name for matariki?

The other name for Matariki is the Pleiades star cluster. Matariki is also known as the Seven Sisters.

Can Matariki turn into shooting stars?

Matariki is the name of the Seven Sisters star cluster also known as Pleiades star cluster. The name Matariki is from the Maori language. A shooting star or falling star is not a star at all. It is a fragment of meteoroids that fall into the Earth's atmosphere.

Why are the matariki stars rare?

What do you mean with "rare"? Matariki is the Maori name of the Pleiades - a specific star cluster.

What are some of the Maori's holidays?

Matariki, which is the Maori new year celebrating the rise of Matariki star cluster

What is the moari name for the pleides star cluster?


How far is matariki from earth?

Matariki is a star cluster located approximately 440 light-years away from Earth.

What does matariki stand for?

Matariki is Maori new year, it is celebrated at parties and gatherings.It means Pleiades star cluster and the seven sisters. Matariki means small group of stars.

Where is matariki?

Matariki is the name of a star cluster. It is primarily celebrated in New Zealand and Hawaii. The Matariki was used as a sign to tell when crops should be planted. It is also believed that the constellation may have been used by navigators. Matariki has two meanings; Mata-riki - small eyes and mata-ariki - chiefly eyes. In Hawaii it is known by the name Makalii.

How matariki started?

matariki started in the early 1400 when our maori ancestors sore the seven star clusters on the night they were havesting the crop, which they called Matariki, it has spoken to many people that the matariki signifies the best night to harvest your food.