Angels, who are God's messengers, and His 'people' I assume get to live forever.(Just to clarify, these people don't do all of His stuff for Him like tax 'people' do. They give Him praise, watch over us, and, if God tells them to, they get to protect us. However, God is the one who watches everyone all the time. Angels only get to watch the people God tells them to, and they can't watch everyone all the time because only God is omnisent.) The Bible doesn't really say how or when angels were created, but I belive that God created them years before we were created. His angels, I assume, get to live forever, just like us. The difference is, we have to accept the gift of eternal live to live forever. But, in general, I think they live forever.
It is my belief that the lifespan of angels is based on their inherent powers at the time of their creation. The max I believe is more like 40 years, with angel powers diminishing throughout this period. After 40 years, only a dedicated prayer could possibly summon your angel, and only for possibly one major calamity. I believe not to ever summon your angel(s) unless you are truly in a corner. The angel has a limited amount of energy which can be exhausted by repeated prayer. God has unlimited powers, but can not devote his time to individuals, which is why we have angels. Most likely your angel is a deceased parent. Of course my beliefs are unverifed, but I am an old soul.
I came up with 40 years by my own personal experience, as well as the multible uses of the number 40 in the bible. 40 is used in the bible more than any other number.
Yes, the Bible mentions their songs of praise.
There are two types of angels in the bible. They are the good angels and the fallen angels.
the three main angels in the bible are Michael, Gabriel and Raphaël
Does the bible say that angels use sign languages
'Fallen angels' does not appear in the KJV Bible
Strictly Bible speaking, Fallen Angels answer to Lucifer, who in the Bible is considered the first Fallen Angel.
What do you mean here? There is no mountain in the Bible that i know of that any angels cast anywhere
The Bible does not directly say that angels have the will to choose for themselves, but without free will, how could Lucifer and a third of the angels rebel against God and heaven
There are both good and bad angels, or the fallen angels Satan.
The word "angels" is in the King James Version of the Bible 94 times. It is in 92 verses.
The word "angels" is in the King James Version of the Bible 94 times. It is in 92 verses.