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Why don't you ask Jesus

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Q: How long did Jesus shorten the reign of the anti Christ?
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Is Hitler Jesus?

Absolutely Not!, Adolf Hitler was an Anti-Christ or Anti-Jesus. Everything he stood for was against Jesus Christ the Son of God.

When does the anti-Christ die?

at the end of the tribulation Jesus speacks and throws the anti-christ into the lake of fire

When is the anti Christ coming?

The anti christ will not come because there is no anti christ no human on Earth and amount to God or Jesus they are the almighty and cannot be outdone..nothing is a threat to them and we are all safe from the anti christ so start looking forward to when Jesus will come down to Earth and redeem us!! ...JdC

What is the ending in the final conflict the omen?

Jesus Christ comes and defeats the Anti-Christ.

Who is the chosen one to kill the anti christ?

jesus bro.

Rules and regulations to join anti christ?

Rebel against Jesus Christ and take the mark of the beast.

Do Jews think Jesus was Anti-Christ since he came first?

No, Jesus plays no role whatsoever in Judaism. Additionally, the concepts of 'Christ' and 'Anti-Christ' do not exist in Judaism, they're strictly Christian concepts. At most, he would have been a false prophet.

Is Taylor Swift The Anti-Christ?

most definitely not. she is a Christian. she believes in Jesus Christ.

Did Muhammad serve as a disciple and missionary for christ?

muhammad is anti christ. the muslims dont belive jesus is the son of god.

Did Jesus give us the name of the anti Christ?

no specific name is given for the Antichrist in the Bible.

What is the millenial state for Christians?

It is the 1000 year reign of Christ. Following the rapture of the church there is a period of 7 years of tribulation on the earth where a good majority of people die. Right before all chaos happens, Jesus returns to earth with the saints, destroys the anti-christ, bounds satan, and establishes his kingdom on earth.

Is Linkin Park anti Christ?

No. They are not anti-christ.