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There is no scriptural refference to when Eve died, presumably because the men who comprised the scriptures did not feel that Eve's death was of note. The geneology of the early Old Testament is comprised mostly of Men, how many children they fathered (by name), and when the men died. It is a rare occasion that the wife is listed in the geneology. Typically when the woman is listed it is due to her significance in history, such as Eve's. It is presumed that Eve lived as long as Adam, who is biblically said to have lived 930 years after his creation.

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The Bible does not say, and the question is therefore unanswerable. Leon R. Kass (The Beginning of Wisdom: Reading Genesis) says the story should be regarded as a mythical yet realistic portrait of permanent truths about our humanity, rather than as a historical yet idealised portrait of a blissful existence we once enjoyed but lost.

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6y ago

US rap singer Eve (Eve Jeffers-Cooper) is 39 years old (born November 10, 1978).

Former WWE wrestler Eve (Eve Torres Gracie) is 33 years old (born August 21, 1984).

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8y ago

It is not specified in the Bible, I believe, how long she lived then died.
The Bible does not tell us. Probably over 900 years like Adam.

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Q: How long did Adam and Eve live in the garden of eden?
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According to the Bible how long did Adam and Eve live in the Garden of Eden?

It is not explained in the Bible. So, it can be seven days, or seven thousand years, depending on your computation on how long a day is; human day/24hrs, or, God's day/1000yrs. Adam was created on the sixth day and God rested on the seventh day. It was after this that Adam and Eve fell and were removed from the Garden of Eden. The Scriptures do not reveal how long after God rested that Adam and Eve fell.

Did Adam eve disobey god on the same day Adam was created?

It is my personal belief that Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden a long time before they ate the forbidden fruit.

Where did Adam and eve meet and for how long were they separated?

According to Abrahamic religious teaching, the Garden of Eden; the exact location of the Garden has never been agreed upon.

How long was Jesus in the Garden of Eden before He was betrayed by Judas?

Jesus was never in the Garden of eden , it was the garden of Gethsemane.

How long is a heaven day?

6 days the stars, the heavens, the earth and all that is in them was created. This cannot be taken as 24 hour earth days, this could be thousands, millions, or billions of years. This gives light to the creation and existence of the dinosaurs, which were not within the garden of Eden therefore were subject to death. Adam and Eve may have spent millions or billions of years in the garden of Eden because they were perfect and not subject to death. The garden of Eden did not encompass the entire earth because Adam and Eve were cast out into earth from the garden. It only makes scientific scense that the earth outside of the garden of Eden with its water and building blocks for life would continue to grow while Adam and Eve were in the gardn.

How long did it take to get to the afterlife?

6 days the stars, the heavens, the earth and all that is in them was created. This cannot be taken as 24 hour earth days, this could be thousands, millions, or billions of years. This gives light to the creation and existence of the dinosaurs, which were not within the garden of Eden therefore were subject to death. Adam and Eve may have spent millions or billions of years in the garden of Eden because they were perfect and not subject to death. The garden of Eden did not encompass the entire earth because Adam and Eve were cast out into earth from the garden. It only makes scientific scense that the earth outside of the garden of Eden with its water and building blocks for life would continue to grow while Adam and Eve were in the gardn.

Why is there no proof of the garden of Eden?

AnswerThere is no proof of the existence of Adam and Eve because they never really lived. The story of Adam and Eve can conveniently be thought of as an allegory. Not only is there no physical evidence for Adam and Eve or the Garden of Eden, the geological and fossil record demonstrates that man really evolved over two hundred thousand years ago, long before the time attributed in the Bible to the first humans.

Where did Adam and Eve live?

Genesis 2 "And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground the LORD God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pishon: it is the one which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river is Gihon: it encompasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: it goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates. " The present day location cannot be pinpointed due to the total upheaval of the landmass and points of reference during the Flood of Noah's day.

What was the flood that wiped out the Garden of Eden?

People have long longed to return to the Garden of Eden, which Leon R. Kass (The Beginning of Wisdom: Reading Genesis) describes as a purely mythic place. Since it is clear that the Garden of Eden no longer exists, if it ever did, they must look for an explanation for its disappearance. By happy coincidence, the Bible also talks of the great Flood of Noah, so they say that this flood must have destroyed the Garden of Eden.

What did eating the fruit do to Adam and Eve?

Eating the fruit from the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden caused Adam and Eve to gain knowledge of good and evil, leading to their expulsion from paradise as a consequence of disobeying God's command not to eat from that tree.

How long did Adam live in the garden?

One thought:The Bible says that Adam was 930 years old(Genesis 5:5) when he died, but does not specify how long he'd been out of the garden by then. We DO know that he had no children WITHIN the garden, but only AFTER they were expelled. OUTSIDE the garden, we know that Cain and Abel were the first sons born(Genesis 3:23-4:1), and that Eve did not have their THIRD son, Seth, until Adam was 130 years old(Genesis 5:3-5), so we can guess that he wasn't in the Garden all that long...maybe even under 100 years...

When did people start to give names to each other?

This goes back to man's beginning. In the Bible, a book that goes back a very long way, it records that Adam, in the garden of Eden, gave his wife her name. (Genesis 3:20)