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Q: How long between rahab and the fall of Jericho?
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When the Israelites attacked Jericho they killed?

In the Book of Joshua, the Israelites attacked Jericho and killed every man, woman and child there, save for the prostitute, Rahab. However, archaeologists say that there was no military conquest as described in the Bible. They say that the city of Jericho had been abandoned long before 1400 BCE (when the attack should have taken place) and that there was at most just a small, unfortified mud-brick village where Jericho had once stood. The Israelites did not attack Jericho and did not kill anyone there.

How long did it take the spies to return to rahab?

The spies took three days to return to Rahab in the Bible.

Was Rahab the first prostitute?

Definitely not. The prostitution vocation existed long before Rahab was ever born.

What county is Jericho New York in?

Jericho, New York is in Nassau County (on Long Island).

What buildings were located inside the city walls of Jericho?

A:At various times in its long history, Jericho had walls around it to protect the city from foreign invaders. The last wall before the Hebrew period collapsed during an earthquake in the sixteenth century BCE and the city was abandoned. By the late fifteenth century and the time traditionally attributed to the Israelite invasion, the city had long been abandoned and only a small, mud-brick village existed on the site of the former city. In spite of this, the Book of Joshua tells that the city of Jericho was surrounded by a high wall, and that Rahab lived in a house in the city. The story does not tell us about other buildings in the city.

What happened to Rahab from the Bible?

Josh:2:1: And Joshua the son of Nun sent out of Shittim two men to spy secretly, saying, Go view the land, even Jericho. And they went, and came into an harlot's house, named Rahab, and lodged there.

How long would it take to walk around the walls of Jericho?

The city of Jericho did have walls at various times in its long history. However, in the Late Bronze Age, the time attributed to the Hebrew conquest of Jericho, the city had long been abandoned and there were no walls to walk around.

Was it possible to ride chariots around the top of the walls at Jericho?

A:At various times in its long history, Jericho had walls around it to protect the city from foreign invaders, and it might well have been possible to ride chariots around the top of the walls. However, the last wall before the Hebrew period collapsed during an earthquake in the sixteenth century BCE, after which the city was abandoned. As there was no wall at the time attributed to the biblical invasion, this would not have been possible.

Did Biblical Jericho's walls crumble from the bottom?

A:For this we must rely on the Bible, and the Bible does not tell us how the walls of Jerich fell - merely that they came down. If we seek the answer from archaeology, we find that Jericho was abandoned around 1550 BCE, long before 1400 BCE, the time attributed to the conquest of Jericho and even longer before the Israelites appeared in the Canaanite hinterland. At the time the Bible says Joshua caused the walls to fall, there was really only a small unwalled, mudbrick village on the site.

How long did Jericho Rosales and Kristine hermosa date?

One year and three months :)

How long do eyelashes take to grow?

Eyelashes take between 7 and 8 weeks to grow after they fall off.

Does long hair tend to fall?

No long hair need not fall , just because it is long.