

Best Answer
A:The Book of Daniel does not say where the lion's den was. We could speculate that it might have been in Babylon, but we will never find extra-biblical evidence of its location. The Book of Daniel was really a second-century-BCE novel set in the sixth century BCE, so asking the location of its lion's den would be like asking the location of another lion's den in a Dan Brown novel.

Another Answer:

Though the exact location is not given in the Scripture, it would be reasonable to say it was in the general Palace area. Daniel was appointed a governor in Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2:48). He fully impressed the then King Darius that he was made the sole chief administrator of Babylon (Daniel 6:3). This is what led to the conspiracy to have him killed by the Lions. It backfired though.

Daniel claims to be the sole author of the Book named after Him and many scholars have given circa 530 BC as a reasonable date for this books composition. The Jewish Talmud concurs with Daniel's authorship as did Jesus Christ Himself (Matthew 24:15). For Christians, this would make Daniel an inspired work of God through Daniel.

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14y ago

This passage is in the Book of Daniel, which does not say. Since the historical evidence strongly suggests that the Book of Daniel was a second-century BCE work of fiction, there is no point speculating on the size of the lion's den.

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No one except the lions. According to the Old Testament, God was with Daniel and protected him by shutting the lion's mouth.

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