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Q: How is the coming of spring related to the coming of Jesus?
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I guess because they are related....Christmas is celebrating the birth of Jesus and Easter is celebrating the death and resurection (coming back to life) of Jesus.

How does Bulgaria celebrate the coming of spring?

The coming of spring is celebrated in Bulgaria on the 1st March

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No he was not related.

What is 'Jesus is coming' in Hebrew?

Jesus is coming = Yeshu ba (ישו בא)

When is the Jack wills spring collection coming out?

In spring

Why spring coming?

winter gone and spring is here

How do you say 'Jesus is coming' in Dutch?

'Jesus is coming' is in Dutch 'Jezus komt eraan'.

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I believe its coming out in the spring

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What prepares us for Jesus' coming is the New Testament because it was before Jesus' was alive

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No he was not related.

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No Jesus was not related to Thaddeus.

Is coming an adjective?

Coming can be either an adjective ("this coming Thursday") or a noun ("the coming of spring").