The body is cleansed and the body is wrapped in a white linen or cotton shroud. According to Jewish law, the only acceptable form of burial is to be buried in just a shroud or in a plain wood coffin that has no metal or any finishings that would impede decomposition.
Hitler didn't have a funeral, his body was burned and that was how he was disposed of.
The funeral prayer in Islam is called janaza. The body of the deceased must be washed and prepared for burial and buried shortly after death.
The body should be buried, not cremated, according to Torah law. The soul continues to exist and is dealt with according to the person's actions when alive.
No information about the condition of the body has been released to the public yet, but most likely, the body was prepared according to the rites of her church, and then wrapped in a simple shroud. There is no way to know, however, because it was a closed casket funeral, and probably no-one except her immediate family saw her body at the funeral home.
Funeral Director
Embalmment is the process of preserving a deceased person's body, typically for funeral or viewing purposes. It involves cleaning the body, draining bodily fluids, and injecting embalming fluid to slow down decomposition. The body is then dressed and prepared for viewing.
The funeral director.
No, I have never encountered a dead body that showed signs of being disposed of using quicklime.
Morticians embalm bodies and deal with all aspects of funerals. It runs the full gamut from establishing the contract with the family, picking the body up from the hospital or morgue, embalming the body, preparing it for the funeral, helping the family select a casket, to getting the cemetery plot prepared and the vault installed or alternately arranging for a cremation.
pyre funeral pyre (Scheiterhaufen)
It is called cremation. It is less expensive than a traditional funeral, and a casket is not required for burial. Ashes from the cremation are put into a urn, and from there the ashes are disposed of according to the wishes of the family of the deceased.
That depends on religion. Christian religions tend not to have strict rules and the preparation of the body and the funeral can often be complicated and invasive. Judaism, Islaam and many very old religions require that the body be no more washed and unadorned and that funerals be simple affairs.