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As an altar server, I have done it many times.

# Bring the chalice or book (Whatever is on the side you are currently on) to the altar. If you bring the book first, go to the other side and bring the chalice to the altar. Place the book out of the way for now.

# Then, you take off the veiling and the tent (The wedge-like thing). # You take everything, (My priest puts the key inside the tent) such as the corporal (Large folded cloth) out of the tent. # You set up the tent on the right side so that it stands up. (The design should face the congregation.

# You take the veil/cloth that covers the chalice and fold it neatly, and then you place it behind the tent. # Take the corporal and place it in the centre of the altar. Open it, there should be a marking (Such as a cross). If you see that the design is on the back and not fully visible, flip the half-opened corporal and then open the remaining. # Bring the book close to the corporal so that Father can read better. Put out the microphone if there is one. # Place the paten (Plate holding the unconsecrated host) on the centre of the corporal. # Take the purificator (The cloth that comes with the chalice set) and set it on the right of the corporal. # Take the chalice and set it close to the purificator. Place the square shaped thing (I don't know the name) on top of the chalice to stop the dust from getting on.

You should ask your priest to teach you if you are an altar server.

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Q: How is the altar prepared for holy communion?
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