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Actually, Christians view God very much the same way the Jewish people do. Christians believe that God is the One God and creator of all things. Christians also believe that Israel are God's choosen people, and that salvation came first for the Jews and then by the Jews. If it had not been for the Jewish people, the Gentiles(which make up the majority of christians) would not have been ushered into God's plan. The Old Testament portion of the Bible is broadly agreed upon by most Jewish people and christians. The differences arise when it comes to the New Testament portion of the Bible. The Christians are followers of Jesus Christ, whom they believe was the promised Messiah, and saviour of all humanity. The Jews however, although they acknowledge Jesus existed, do not except Him as such. The Jewish people believe that the promise of a Messiah has yet to be fulfilled, The Christians believe the promise was fulfilled through Jesus Christ.

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13y ago

The Jewish concept of "God" is radically different from the Christian concept. According to the teachings of Judaism, HaShem (The Creator) is one and is without form and is indivisible. Although there are many different "names" for HaShem in Judaism, these names aren't actual names but rather descriptions of HaShem which are contextual.

From the Jewish perspective, the concept of the Trinity is not only not true monotheism, but is also blasphemy. One of the main issues, other than indicating separate parts to God, is the idea of a literal child of God. This directly goes against the Torah where HaShem states He will "never be man or son of man". Additionally, the idea that God would impregnate His clear specification of like with like, this prohibition against mixing species were the direct result of the horrific offspring of angels and humans. To say that HaShem would then violate a prohibition He set would indicate that HaShem lies.

Also, please note that the Christian concept of "Messiah" does not exist anywhere in Judaism, it is specifically a Christian construct.

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One main difference is that Jewish people do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah. It is written that the Messiah would bring upon the Messianic age. That there would be peace in the world, the Temple would be rebuilt. These things are supposed to happen during the Messiah's lifetime, and thus Jesus cannot be the Messiah as he died before any of these things occured. Christian's believe that he will return to finish his work. This is not a Jewish belief at all.

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Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah. Jews do not believe Jesus is the messiah

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