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The same way we use it in our language and writing. There could be this but only IF that happens. A Bible concordance is a great book that allows you to look up all verses that contain a certain word. So if you get one you can look up "it".

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How many times the word Bible used in the Bible?

The word Bible is not found in any sequence of the small font, nor in the sequence of the caps. And there are many mentions of the Holy Word, and the Holy Scriptures. Scriptures is used 21 times in the New Testament. The word is used thousands of times. The word "Bible" is not in the Bible. The word "Bible" was not being used yet at the time the Bible was being written. The word "scripture" or "scriptures" was used instead.

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Roman Catholic AnswerThe Bible used by Catholics is called the Holy Bible, or the Sacred Scriptures, or just simply the Bible. It is a translation of the original Bible used by Jesus and the Apostles.

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