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In the same sense that everything good is a gift from God, the laws of the universe which we discover through scientific investigation.

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How are you a gift of god?

you are a gift of God because you were created by God just the way we say life is a gift of God then so r u.

What does Jonathon mean?

In Hebrew meaning "God's Gift" or "Gift from God".

How do you say God's gift in German?

God's gift = Geschenk Gottes

How do you receive the gift of God?

If God chooses to bestow a gift upon you, you will receive it.

How do you say gift of god in latin?

"Dominus fecit" is "God has made this." That might be the more even-handed way to say "A gift from God"

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gift from God = Isten ajándéka thanks God = Istennek hála

What is the duration of God's Gift to Women?

The duration of God's Gift to Women is 1.2 hours.

What does the name Theodoras mean?

It means something like god's gift.

How do you say gift from God in Maori?

The Maori name Matiu means "Gift from God"

What is a good name for a gift store?

"God Gift" gift house

How do you say God's gift in sanskrit?

In Sanskrit, you would say "देवदत्तम्" (devadattam) for "God's gift."

When was God's Gift - soundtrack - created?

God's Gift - soundtrack - was created on 2006-12-12.