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Roman Catholic AnswerEverywhere. Jesus is present in the people present, through virtue of their baptism and belief. He is present in the Tabernacle in the Sacred Species (the Host). He is present in the Scriptures, especially when they are proclaimed at Mass during the readings. He is present in the person of the priest through his ordination. And finally, and in all reality, He is present on the altar, made present through His love for us, and the words of Consecration.
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Through us, through God and through the priest.

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Q: How is christ present at mass?
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Part of the mass in which the death and resurrection of Christ are made present again?

The Eucharist

Do you believe when the priest celebrate the mass is a christ himself who is administering the sacrament?

No, as we believe that there is only one Christ who died once and for all. The celebration of the mass is merely a recreation of Calvary in our present time. Contrary to some protestant beliefs, we are not resacrificing Christ, but because God is a non-temporal being the sacrifice of Calvary is ever-present. But, more to the point of your question: No, the priest is not "a christ", but rather what is called "in persona christi" meaning "In the person of Christ".

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It comes from Christ Mass. A Mass is a Roman Catholic service. Christ refers to Jesus Christ. So, the Mass celebrating the birth of Christ was called the Christ Mass, shortened to Christmas.

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The Sanctuary lamp, when burning, lets us know that Our Lord Jesus Christ is present in the Tabernacle.

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There is no mention of a dog being present at the birth of Christ in the Bible.

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transubstantiation of the eucharist, or the belief that Jesus Christ becomes present in the bread when the words are said by a priest at mass

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The Great Amen when the congregation asserts its belief that Jesus Christ is now present on the altar under the forms of bread and wine.

What two main gifts do you present at mass as signs of us?

The Eucharistic bread and wine offered at Mass symbolize Christ's body and blood, which Catholics believe to be the ultimate gift of divine love. Through this offering, the faithful are invited to partake in the sacrificial meal and unite themselves with Christ.

Is the holy mass a once and only once sacrifice?

Yes. According to the Catholic Church, it is the single, eternal sacrifice of Christ made present again by the celebrant, who acts 'in persona Christi' (in the person of Christ) by virtue of his ordination to the priesthood.

Where does the name Christmas come from?

:Christmas comes from the words Christ and mass. "Christ" refers to Jesus Christ, the Christian messiah; and mass is a religious ceremony or celebration.

Is Christ is present in the words of the gospel?

yes. Christ is the god almighty.

Is Christ present in the words of the gospel?

yes. Christ is the god almighty.