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Zarathustra was a Persian prophet since his family originated from Persia. Although he ran away, his teachings were spread around the Persian Empire first. Persian nobles and Persian aristocrats embraced the new religion first and allowed the religion to blossom.

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Q: How is Zarathustra a Persian prophet?
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What does the term 'zarathustra' mean?

Zarathustra is the name of a prophet. The name is well known from Neitsche's book "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" which is very popular amongst philosophers and students.

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The Persian Empire introduced the religion of Zoroastrianism, founded by the prophet Zoroaster (who is also known as Zarathustra). The religion of Zoroastrianism has been almost completely extinguished in Persia (which is now Iran) by Islam, however it does survive in India, where immigrants from Persia are known as Parsis, and the religion has become known as Parsi.

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Today's Parsees, who follow the Zoroastrian religion of its founder Zarathustra.