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Q: How is Mary related to your prayer and faith life?
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What does j.m.j. be with us on our way?

"J.M.J." stands for "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph" and is often used as a prayer for protection and guidance. It is an expression of faith that asks for the presence of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph to be with us on our journey through life, providing their intercession and support.

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What are the effects of faith and prayer in our lives?

In my life? There is no effect, as I do not hold any religious faith and do not pray. I have faith in the laws of nature.

What has the author T W Hunt written?

T. W. Hunt has written: 'Pray in faith' -- subject(s): Prayer 'Disciple's Prayer Life'

What did Mary the Mother of God inspire others?

Mary, the Mother of God, was the most holy human being who ever lived. She is the only human being who fully coöperated with the Will of God from conception until the end of her life on earth. Thus she is the model of holiness, of hope, of obedience of faith, of prayer, of union with the Son of God, and witness of faith. See the Catechism of the Catholic Church for more details, these are covered in paragraphs 2030 (holiness), 64 (hope), obedience of faith (144, 148-49, 494), prayer (2617, 2619), union with the Son (964) and witness of faith (165, 273).

What faith did Mary the Mother of God believe in?

Mary was originally a Jew. She was born a Jew but followed the religion of her son later in life - Christianity.

What is mental prayer where you think about God or the mysteries of your faith?

Mental prayer is simply your own private thoughts talking to God or wondering about the mysteries of your faith. Many people go through life silently praying to God to be there for them at different times in their life and, individuals often seek questions to the mysteries of their faith throughout their lifetime and may even try different religions. Of course, some of these questions you will never get an answer too so it depends on how much faith you have.

Can faith be proven by events that happen in your life?

Prayer works, and when you need God, you pray, and His answering your prayers over and over will make you trust Him more and more, and faith is just religious trust.

Why did medieval women wear prayer beads?

Medieval women wore prayer beads because during that time, you had religion or life was even worse than it seemed to be for you. As such, you wore prayer beads as a sign of your faith to give yourself the courage to wake up in the morning.

How can you growing child in christian faith?

By example. Living a good Christian life based on scripture and God's law, and prayer is a good way to start.

How did Mary demonstrate faith and trust in her life?

She obeyed God when He sent the Angel Gabriel telling her she was to be the mother of the Christ child.