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Matthew 19:17 "And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God..."

These words spoken by Jesus reveal he did not consider himself to be God or His equal in goodness. The truth is that he is the son of God and is like Him, always doing God's will.

John 8:29 "And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him."

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He isn't he is his son. But he is like him.

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Q: How is Jesus God if he is not equal in greatness or goodness to God?
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Jesus Christ the son of God.

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It was Eve's disobedience to the Father that led to the fall of man and Jesus' obedience to the Father that saved us. Satan tempted both. Eve believed the deceiver while Jesus rebuked him with the Word of God. The same is true for man today. Our attitude toward God's word will determine our final destination.

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You can't. But Jesus wants us to love God with all our hearts and then to love one another as we do ourselves. These things will please Jesus. Live don't worship.

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In Christianity, God exists in the mystery of The Holy Trinity: God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit. In Judaism, God has several titles which refer to some aspect of God's goodness or greatness. He is most often called Yaweh. In Islam God is known as Allah.

How did Jesus' belief in his father's goodness and truthfulness differ from Eve's attitude toward God and his word?

Jesus believed in the goodness and truthfulness of his Father wholeheartedly, even to the point of sacrificing his life for humanity. Eve, on the other hand, doubted God's goodness and truthfulness, leading to disobedience and the fall of humanity. Jesus' unwavering faith and trust in God's character contrast with Eve's moment of weakness and doubt.

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How is jesus fully god if he is not equal to god?

He is God's Son but He is also one with God. Some Biblical truths are beyond our understanding; for Jesus was fully God and fully human

What psalms 21 means?

Psalms 21 is a Psalm of Thanksgiving to God by King David who refers to himself as the king. As he gives God the thanks and the parise for the goodness and mercy of God shown to him; the Spirit of God moves upon him his spirit is swept-up; lifted by God into a higher realm into the presence of God. God now through him begins to prophesy of the greatness of a King to come: Jesus the Messiah to whom is to be given a crown of gold; everlasting life; he will show the glory (greatness and beauty) of God's salvation; this king (Jesus) rejoices in the greatness of the Father's salvation brought to mankind. Also the Spirit through David decrees a divine judgment and gives a warning to all who reject and oppose this king to come; "they intended evil against thee: they imagined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform;Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the earth, and their seed from among the children of men; the LORD shall swallow them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them."

What does psalms 21 mean?

Psalms 21 is a Psalm of thanksgiving to God by King David who refers to himself as the king. As he gives God the thanks and the parise for the goodness and mercy of God shown to him; the Spirit of God moves upon him his spirit is swept-up; lifted by God into a higher realm into the presence of God. God now through him begins to prophesy of the greatness of a King to come: Jesus the Messiah to whom is to be given a crown of gold; everlasting life; he will show the glory (greatness and beauty) of God's salvation; this king (Jesus) rejoices in the greatness of the Father's salvation brought to mankind. Also the Spirit through David decrees a divine judgment and gives a warning to all who reject and oppose this king to come; "they intended evil against thee: they imagined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform;Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the earth, and their seed from among the children of men; the LORD shall swallow them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them."

When Jesus wanted to show how close he was to god he called god what?

Jesus claimed that He was equal with God(John 10:30). And called God His Father (John 10:36)