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The apostles organized the Church according to what was asked of them by Jesus. They ordained men as priests and those men ordained men and eventually it was decided that they had to have a leader which lead to cardinals and Popes.

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12y ago
Catholic AnswerRoman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the Catholic Church.


The Catholic Church is organized under It's Head who is Jesus Christ. His vicar on earth is the Holy Father, the Pope in Rome. Under the Holy Father, the entire Church is divided territoritally into dioceses. Each diocese is headed by a Bishop who enjoys the complete authority and power that Jesus Christ has given to His apostles to lead His faithful to heaven. The Bishops are assisted by the priests in each individual diocese. Each priest is ordained for only one bishop and is bound to that bishop and his successors for life. Each Bishop reigns supreme in his diocese, and is only subject to the Pope as Christ's Vicar on earth.

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15y ago

Catholicism was founded about 2,000 years ago by Jesus Christ who taught his apostiles how they should act and the Holy Spirit to enter their souls and the words they say will be given them at the moment we need them. Jesus made Peter the first leader (or pope ) and his position as leader of the church is handed down to whom the elders of the church at that time. to day the cardinals meet in rome and elect a new pope after whitch becomes a descendant of Peter. the church has had a few black mae=rks on it's back for including the crusades- the inquisition- and more currently to child molestion charges in the last few years. but it will always survive because it was started by Jesus

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15y ago

The roman catholic church ruled, and still does in some places, as a theocracy. A government ruled by a religion. There is a hierarchy, at the head being the Pope, leading all the way down to the priests.

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