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There are no reliable Demographics, but one could assume it is around the same amount as society in general because Jehovah's Witnesses are not immune to mental or emotional disorders.

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Q: How high is suicide rates in Jehovah witnesses?
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Who is the supreme being of Jehovah's witness?

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that The Supreme, or Most High is Jehovah God. This is in accord with the Bible. Psalm 83:18 states:That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,You alone are the Most High over all the earth

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Charles Russell founded the Watchtower magazine and the Watchtower Society, a legal entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses. He did not found Jehovah's Witnesses, as Jehovah has had his Witnesses since the time of Abel. Jesus is the founder of Christianity, at which point in time all of Jehovah's faithful Witnesses who prior to this had been Jewish, began to include people of all nationalities in the newly established Christian Congregation. Mistakenly, a number of people thought the Bible Students, as Jehovah's Witnesses were known back then, were followers of Pastor Russell. Actually, this was not the case; we follow no human. Our leader or head is Jesus Christ. Because of this erroneous belief, as well as in attempts to discredit the fact that we were (and are) practicing Christians serving Jehovah under the headship of his Son Jesus Christ, they branded us with this apellation, which some still resort to down to this day. Additionally Yes the russelites is what many people called the Bible students at that time but as stated before it was not their actual name. Jehovah's Witnesses never did claim to be called by such a name because they knew who they were following even though Brother Russell was of major importance, he was not their leader, only the most high Jehovah God and Jesus Christ are. The term "Russelites" was never a name that Jehovah's Witnesses or the Bible Students officially adopted or embraced. It also was not ever endorced by Charles Russel himself. It was a term coined by some on the outside of the organization.

Why do Jehovah's witnessses believe in a suprim god?

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jehovah is the Most High. This believe is according to God's Word, the Bible. Psalm 83:18 states: "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth." Revelation 4:11: "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." The verse in Revelation refers to Jehovah. This is the reason Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jehovah God is the Almighty God, the Supreme, the Sovereign Lord of the Universe.

How high are suicide rates?

In the US, nearly 18 out of every 100,000 people commit suicide. The numbers have been rising year after year. More women attempt suicide, but more men complete the act.

Is there a relation between urbanization and an increased in suicide rate?

Read Oireachtas Report, 2006 , the high level of suicide in Irish society: General enough but page 29 has a bit on urbanisation and increased suicide rates and why. and read an article by Hirsch, A review of the literature on rural suicide. - not sure of the link. interesting for urban V rural for suicide rates.

Why does Shakira hate Jehovah's Witnesses?

She doesn't necessarily hate Jehovah's Witnesses, she just asks them to leave at her shows/concerts because supposedly, she can't perform well when they're around. She likely knows how JWs hold morals in high regard and knows that her songs and provocative dancing might offend them. A quick search on Google gives credence to the belief that this is most probably an urban myth. It seems more likely that she has never said anything about Jehovah's Witnesses.

Who is the god of Jehovah's Witnesses?

Since Jehovah's Witnesses believe in the Bible, they believe that God Almighty is Jehovah. For instance Psalm 83:18 (KJ version) reads: "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth." Jehovah is God's personal name. He is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Jehovah's Witnesses believe this. The God of Jehovah's Witnesses is just as their name says: -- Jehovah. That's what the apostrophe 's' means: -- belonging to Jehovah. They belong to Jehovah God. We do NOT worship Jesus. We worship Jesus Father, whose name is Jehovah. We do NOT worship 3 gods, as in the trinity. We view that as a false pagan god, with only some Bible names smacked on that god; to make it appear as if he's the god of the Bible. Most people call that 'mainstream Christianity'. But we are not trying to become 'mainstream'. Some people call us a 'cult'. But we don't pay attention to that. They are just jealous, because they can't match our teaching methods, and abilities; so they resort to name-calling. Jehovah God protects us from damage from them. Jehovah God is very very powerful; but he would NEVER torment anyone. That's the trinity god that does that.

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There has not been a significant report on suicidal deaths of air traffic controllers. Though they are in a very high responsibility, high stress job, they are professionals and it appears their suicide rates are actually very low.

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Not necessaily. The suicide rates in Japan are extremely high at the moment, which has nothing to do with autism at all.