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Persons that professed the Islamic faith made many Scientific, Mathematical, Astronomical and Architectural advances, especially in Southern Europe and Northern Africa, during the Middle Ages. They didn't suffer from most of the Plagues that Christendom did, because of their Hygienic practices or 'Ablutions' that the Koran required.

I'm not saying that Islam is the best religion; I'm Christian (not a member of "Christendom") and very proud of it. However, during the Dark Ages, Christendom was led by 'political motivated' religious rulers who tortured, killed or caused the death of more of their own followers through 'infighting', superstition, greed, starvation and/or lack of decent hygiene for the common people than any other group did.

This was how the Muslim World was able to make so many advances. Read your history books. Christendom eventually conquered Islam.

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16y ago
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13y ago

Many Muslim scientists and mathematicians are credited with finding the basis of modern science and math today. Muslim inventors created many things we use and need today such as the first soaps, toothpastes, and even coffee. A man named Muhammad Al-Khawarizmi also developed methods of solving modern Algebra that is still used today in the U.S. The term Algebra actually derives from an Arabic word "al-jabr." I won't explain everything, but you can skim through the following site which contains a lot of similar information about inventions and scientific advancements that Muslims contributed into to help change the world today.

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13y ago

Islam is prevailing over all other religions, more people are reverting to Islam today even if the media is trying to extinguish its light. It affects the world today because more and more people are curious about it , and In sha Allah curiosty will lead you to the right path. It also affects the world today with so much attrocities, and man made systems such as capitalsim collapsing people are finding out the real purpose of life.

Blessed is He in Whose hand is the kingdom, and He has power over all things;

It is He Who has created death and life that He might try you-which of you is best in deeds; and He is the Mighty, the Most Forgiving,

The Same Who has created seven heavens in stages. No incongruity can you see in the creation of the Gracious God. Then look again: Do you see any flaw?

Aye, look again, and yet again, your sight will onlyreturn to you tired and fatigued. 10

So people wake up , if you think Islam is terrorism , bad to women and other filth you here , then look for your self read the Quran in English ... you will see that it puts you right on the spot.. i can gurantee you will find the truth, however i can not qurantee wether you will follow it , as that is down to your individual self, no influence , no media , JUST YOU . Either choose the right way or the wrong ,,,,read the quran and read for yourself..

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13y ago

It has a big impact because 20-25% of the world is Muslim and one billion people and increasing..... Islam covers every single aspect of life and really bring peace and security to the soul.

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13y ago

Islam is the second-largest religion and fastest-growing religion on earth. It influences the world because lots of people are converting to Islam. It's the complete religion that has never been changed. It covers every aspect of this life. It guides to God's Straight Path. it casues peace,security, hope, and faith in the soul. It influences the world by bringing people of different countries and cultures together as brothers and sisters in Islam. No difference between them, no one better than the other except in faith and piety. Seen as equal in the sight of God.

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11y ago

Christians believe in loving God and your neighbor; and caring for orphans, widows, and the poor. Christians have made both local and international charities to spread God's love, preach the gospel, and help people.

Both religions called for good morals, helping the needy people, worshiping God as the one and only one God, not spoiling the environment, ... Refer to questions below for more details.

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15y ago

It affected the people and its government by the amounts of bombs they give to the world.

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Islam contributed many things two of which are Algebra (I HATE Algebra:-() and chemistry.

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