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Q: How does the formula structure change w the creation of Man?
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God did not curse His creation but the actions which his creation (Man) committed. Man is perfect in his bodily creation but imperfect in the use of the intelligence it possesses.

Has anyone come up with an app that can change a cellphone into half a chocolate bar?

when we have the ability to change matter man may have the power to undo creation itself

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Jesus Christ preexisted the creation. Man is part of the creation.

Who was the first man in the Muslim creation story?

Adam was the first man in the Muslim creation story.

What was angels role with the creation of man?

The Bible does not mention angels having ANY role in the creation of man. The Lord created man Himself.

What begin on day six of creation?

I think it was The Creation of Man From Clay

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What is the Quran's teaching on the creation of the universe and man?

The creation of universe and man is supernatural. Science disproves evolution. Unable to create any self reproducing organism. Therefore creation has to be supernatural.

Creation and fall?

Creation is when God created the heavens and the earth. The Fall is when the devil tempted man and man sinned and was casted out of the garden of Eden.

Paragraph on the man is supreme creation of God?

ravi kotak the main is the supreme creation of God. Every one know that is this world God created the man as dominent than all the creation of God.

How many times does God mention creation of man?

The creation of man is mentioned many times throughout the Bible the Koran and other holy books.

Are man involved in the creation of a hurricane?

No, that is nature's work.