God gave the woman to the man so God sanctioned them being together. This was before the invention of marriage so no their children were not born out of wedlock - Reply to Answers-Therefore NOT a SIN if you have children out of wedlock - Right?? Marriage was basically INVENTED to transfer materialistic goods and property - nothing Divine about it.
Yes, there have always been children born out of wedlock. Some eras it was more common then others, but it has always existed.
Yes that is the meaning of the word
Larry Bird has a daughter named Corrie Bird, who was born out of wedlock.
In most church denominations this is perfectly possible - as it is not the child's fault that they are born out of wedlock. However, im some churches they are more strict (and igid, and, dare I say judgemental) and may not allow it.
Roughly 39.7% per year
Billy Wedlock was born on 1880-10-28.
Approximately 17% of Asian American children are born out of wedlock, based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
He has four, one of which is out of wedlock
Fred Wedlock was born on May 23, 1942, in Bristol, England, UK.
The stats dip up and down too erratically for each year, but here is the 2004 stats: (2005 stats not compiled yet) A record number of babies were born to unwed women in the U.S. Contrary to popular belief, it isn't mostly teenagers who are giving birth out of wedlock. Teens accounted for 24% of unwed births, down from 50% in 1970 and the highest percentage was among women ages 25 - 29 years old. There were 1,470,152 babies born to unmarried mothers in the U.S. which accounted for 35.7% of all births in the country. Marcy
Half of the babies born Jamison country each year are born out of wedlock.