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The Jewish/Hebrew Bible is called the Tanach and is made up of three sections: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), and K'tuvim (Writings).

The Christian Old Testament was based on the whole of the Tanach, however, it was thoroughly altered to support the teachings of Christianity.

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The Torah is The Law of God as revealed to Moses and is recorded in the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. The Holy Bible are the books of the New Testament.

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What are the simularities of Torah and holy Bible?

They are the same book, but the bible has some books that the Torah does not.

What are the three main parts of the bible and how do they differ?

Torah, or "Teaching," also called the Pentateuch or the "Five Books of Moses"; the Neviʾim, or Prophets; and the Ketuvim, or Writings.

Is Christianity holy book the Bible similar to the Torah?

The Torah is the First 5 Books of the Holy Bible.

Was the Torah created before the Bible?

The Torah is the first section of the Tanach (Jewish Bible) and is the earliest text.

Isn't the Torah the Jewish Bible?

Yes The Torah and the Bible can refer to the Chumash which is just the 5 books of Moses The Torah and the Bible can also refer to the the Tanach an acronym for Torah (5 books of Moses), Nevi'im (Prophets) and Ketuvim (Writings).

What is the Hedrew Bible?

The Torah

Are the first ten chapters of the Bible and the Torah the same?

Yes, if you're referring to the Jewish Bible. The Bible starts with the Torah and continues with the Prophets and Writings.

Why was the Jewish bible called the Torah?

The Jewish Bible is not called the Torah. Jewish Bible, called the Tanakh, contains 24 books. The Torah represents only the first 5 books (Genesis through Deuteronomy).

How do the Bible the Talmud and the Torah differ from each other in ideology customs and central themes?

The Bible is a Christian text whose first half is a translation of the Hebrew Bible.The Hebrew Bible is called the Tanakh, which contains the Torah and the books of the Israelite prophets. The Torah's ideology is presenting the world background and the laws and beliefs of Judaism, plus future prophecies and more. Laws are treated at length, and customs only in passing.The rest of the Tanakh has as its ideology the upholding of the Torah. For more, see these links:What_is_the_history_of_the_Jewish_BibleWhy_was_the_Hebrew_Bible_importantWhat_roles_did_prophets_play_in_ancient_israelThe Talmud has as its ideology the purpose of clarifying the Torah. It spells out the traditions and details concerning the brief verses in the Torah. It also lists many customs. For more:What_are_the_top_facts_about_the_Talmud

Which came first Torah or koran?

The Torah comprises the first five books of the collection commonly referred to as the Bible.They are the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. That's the Torah.

Is the Bible complementary to Torah or a stand on its own holy book?

Neither. The Hebrew Bible is a collection of 24 Holy books. The Torah is a part of the Hebrew Bible (it is the first 5 books of the Bible).

Which do Jews follow the Bible or the Torah?

Jews regard all of the books of the Hebrew Bible as holy. The holiest part of the Bible are the first 5 books, called, "The Torah".