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The Bible claims to have ALL answers to life but it doesn't the creation of people may be evolution or it may be god nobody knows for sure if you are saying god crated the world and all people then where is your proof and scientists have no way of knowing if all of there carefully assumed answers are right so nobody knows so you may as well think what you want to. By the way go to St Francis church services, Sandon road they are interesting even if you don't belive in god and also if you have a child send them to St Matthews Primary School on Common Lane, Stoke-on-Trent, it is a brilliant school with lovely children and staff i know they set me up for life well. Thank you

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The Bible says that "In the beginning" God created the heavens and the earth(Genesis 1:1), so at some point in the very distant past, possibly millions of years, God created the physical universe, including earth, sun, stars, etc. (Genesis 1:2)

Then, just over 6000years ago, God started preparing the earth for habitation(Genesis1:3-19), and then began creating life to go on it, starting with the animals (Genesis 1:20-25). Once everything was in place, God created the first man from the dust of the ground (the term 'human' comes from the Greek 'Humus' meaning "earth..soil'), and 'blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living soul". (Genesis 1:26-28). He was called Adam and is the original ancestor of everyone on the planet ("He made out of one man, every nation of men, to dwell upon the surface of the earth". Acts 17:26)

After some time, during which Adam named all the animals around him (Genesis 2:18-20), God created a partner for Adam, out of one of Adam's ribs(Genesis 2:21&22). This is indicated by Adam's own words when he saw Eve for the first time. He said "This is at last, bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh, This one will be called woman, because from MAN this one was taken" . Adam named his wife, Eve, because she "had to become the mother of everyone living"(Genesis 3:20) , and soon she started doing just that, by giving birth to Cain and Able(Genesis 4:1) and many other children(Genesis 5:1-5) from whose lines we all come, down to this day.

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The Bible gives us two different accounts of the creation of humans, the first written by the source now known as the Priestly Source, and the second by the Yahwist.

In Genesis 1:27, God simply spoke humans, both male and female, into existence and in his own image, as the last act of creation.

It seems that in the second creation story, which is older and more primitive than the Priestly version, there was a limit to God's powers in that he could not make living things out of nothing. In Genesis 2:7, God created Adam out of the dust of the ground, then created each of the animals out of the same dust. In verse 2:21-22, God created Eve out of a rib taken from Adam.

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To make man, God fashioned the appropriate shape from dirt and breathed a soul into it (Genesis ch.2). He then made the first woman by fashioning her from a piece of the man's flesh (ibid).

See also:

Is there evidence for Creation?

Can you show that God exists?

Seeing God's wisdom

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From the dust of the Earth

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Q: How does the Bible explain the creation of the first people?
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