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In a society where each person is trying to seek his or her own spirituality, each person should learn to be more giving and less selfish. In these circumstances where each person is more interested in giving than in receiving, people are not in a constant collision course with each other trying to please themselves. The other benefits are instead of trying to seek happiness and fulfillment from possessions and position, each person is truly helping other people expecting nothing in return, thus filling his or her spiritual needs which in turn leads to his or hers own happiness. Thus society is benefited in every way from a better quality of spiritual minded human beings populating our planet.

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10y ago

Religion can be a cultural aspect to one's life, it can be something to live by and base one's decisions on, or it can be a combination of many other things. Religion really affects different individuals in different ways. Personal anecdotes are best to get a true sense of how religion can affect the individual. These can be from friends and family or found online. Different religions can have different affects as well, as doctrines differ.

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