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Eightfold Path:


2. Resolve

3. Speech

4. Conduct

5. Livelihood

6. Effort

7. Mindfulness

8. Concentration

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Detaching oneself from desire is how someone can find fulfillment and happiness, according to the Buddha. Buddhism was founded on his teachings.

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Compare Buddha to the Bodhisattvas?

A Buddha is one who has worked out how to acheive enlightenment, and a Bodhisattva is one who is about to achieve enlightenment.

What do you think if Buddha said Man is not the slave of God man have work by man-self to gain true happiness?

Buddha himself demonstrated that the path to enlightenment is one that we find for ourselves, it isn't given by a deity for good works or pious attention to a set of rules. Reliance on some sort of "deus ex machina" solution for your unhappiness is pointless and futile. You have to povide the effort to achieve it.

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No, the Buddha that we talk about today - Shakyamuni Buddha - was not the first Buddha according to the Pali Canon (The Buddhist Scriptures). Depending on what source you look at, it is said there were anywhere between six and 28 earlier Buddha's. One of the most important Buddha's was Prince Siddhartha Guatama

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Five steps to achieve happiness in life are being optimistic throughout the day, smiling in any situation, listening to one's favourite music and being happy with the own person. These advices are based on a list on wikiHow.

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What is the highest good of man according to Socrates?

According to Socrates, the highest good of man is to seek knowledge and wisdom, which leads to living a virtuous and examined life. By constantly questioning and reflecting on one's beliefs and actions, one can strive for personal growth and ultimately achieve true happiness and fulfillment.

Do buddhists have more than 1 Buddha?

Buddha usually refers to Shakyamuni Buddha, the Indian prince Gautama Siddhartha, who reached enlightenment in the sixth century B.C., and who taught the spiritual path known today as Buddhism.Buddha, however, also has a much deeper meaning. It means anyone who has completely awakened from ignorance and opened to his or her vast potential for wisdom. A buddha is one who has brought a final end to suffering and frustration and discovered a lasting and deathless happiness and peace.So, since anybody who managed this is called a Buddha, there is more than one.

How smart is Buddha?

We, normal humans even can't think how smart Buddha is. According to Dharma smartness of a Buddha can only completely understand by another Buddha. As example, Buddha can investigate one billion solar systems (Thri Sahashri Loka Datu) in the same way how we investigate a glass ball on our hand; Swim in the ground; Spread light to a any place in the universe; No one or nothing can be hide from Buddha's intelligent. Qualities of a Buddha are mainly dividing in to nine parts.

What can you do to achieve true happiness?

To achieve true happiness, focus on gratitude, practice mindfulness, nurture relationships with loved ones, engage in activities that bring joy, and prioritize self-care and personal growth. Remember that happiness is a journey, not a final destination, and embracing positive thoughts and actions can lead to a more fulfilling life.

What did Siddhartha believe was the true path to enlightenment?

He believed in reincarnation and ahimsaSiddhartha Gautama was the founder of Buddhism. He believed that in order to achieve Nirvana, the ultimate goal of Buddhism, one must not have any desires for worldly items. Answer: Buddha believed:* All life contains suffering * All suffering is caused by desire * There is a way to escape suffering by eliminating desire * The Eightfold Path is the way Buddha believed it is in every person to achieve the goal of enlightenment following these four noble truths. No deity is required to achieve this.So Buddha believed in every person. He did not believe in a god(s)

What other names are used for the Buddha?

Some other names used for the Buddha are Siddhartha Gautama, Shakyamuni Buddha, Tathagata, and Gotama Buddha.

What did Aristotle say were the three forms of happiness?

Aristotle identified three forms of happiness: hedonic (pleasure and gratification), eudaimonic (well-being and fulfillment from living a virtuous life), and self-actualization (realizing one's potential and purpose). He believed true happiness comes from a balance of these forms.