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Most festivals are annual events. While there is a Haj (pilgrimage) every year, a Muslim only has to attend it ONCE in a lifetime.

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It is similar in that religious individuals come from all across the world to see one particular religious site and pray there.

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Which religion has hajj?

Hajj is an Arabic word that means pilgrimage. It refers to Pilgrimage per Islam religion. However, pilgrimage is an obligation in other God religions although with different rituals and different locations.

What religon is hajj?

Hajj is the fifth pillar of the religion Islam. It is obligatory on the Muslims.

Which religions can go on the hajj journey?

Hajj is not a religion but it is one of the pillars of Islam.

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What does a hajji do?

There is no 'a Hajj.' Hajj is the pilgrimage where all Muslims are required to go for Pilgrimage. This is a spiritual and only religion- based journey.

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How do musllims practice their religion?

Muslims practice their religion everyday of their lives. How they practice their religion is the question. They practice their religion with The Five Pillars. Those Five Pillars include The Statement of Faith (Shahadah: There is no God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah), Praying (Salat), Fasting (Roza), Charity (Zakat), and lastly Pilgrimage to Hajj (Hajj).

What are the fa rd of hajj?

The fard of Hajj is: the obligatory Hajj is the 5th pillar of Islam: Performing Hajj to the house of Allah in Makkah once in a lifetime for those who are able physically and financially. this one time hajj is obligatory, and any other Hajj after the obligatory Hajj is cconsidered voluntary. Have a nice day. Kaiser.

How does understanding the Hajj pillar of Islam help us undertand Islam as a religion?

Its a worship of Allah (god)

Why hajj is special for Muslims?

Hajj is that activity in Islam, which seals and combines all the rest of the pillars and practices of the religion. It is Fard on every Muslim to perform the Pilgrimage of kaaba i.e. The Hajj ateast once in a life time for everyone who can afford to do so.

What is a religious journey called in the middle east?

A religious journey is known as a 'pilgrimage', also in the Moslem religion a Hajj.