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ِAnswer 1The Qur'an Majeed is the last heavenly book revealed to the last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). It is in Arabic language. It testifies all the previous heavenly books like, Tora, Zaboor, Bible and all the books of Old Testament and New Testament. It provides the basic beliefs about life here and life in the hereafter. In its contents and commands, it is based on human nature. It is a complete code of life. It teaches Universal Human Brotherhood, justice and equality of whole human race. Apart from the basic beliefs and the pillars of Islam, following are a few guide lines presented by Islam to lead a pious and peaceful life. It also teaches cleanliness, purity, truth, obedience, kindness, sacrifice, right conduct, trust in Allah, and other virtues that lead to glorious spiritual Fellowship justice to women, orphans, and to all. Allah's loving care encompasses us, it is His protection we should seek. The Qur'an is a huge book that describes a lot many things. Answer 2In addition to the above that I fully agree upon, the following are some highlights on what is revealed in Quran:
  • call for worship of Allah (God), the one and only one God, with no partner and no companion and no son
  • correcting previous faiths and previous holy book texts from alterations introduced by human
  • describing ritual worships and relevant obligations
  • setting God commands as for what to do and what not to do
  • laying down basis for true faith and right path to God
  • tales of old nations for gaining lessons for true faith and good life
  • giving scientific statements that were only validated by current technologies and discoveries to provide evidences on the authenticity and miracle of Quran as god revelation and not human written text.
  • reminding with the Day of Judgment to be prepared for it
  • describing the 2nd life and the paradise and hell fire.
  • setting the good morals and good conduct that Muslims should follow.
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Quran is the real God words revealed by Allah (God) to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril). It is the last God holy book. It is the only holy book that is still readable and recited and memorized with the same God revelation language without single letter change or alterations. Refer to related questions below for more information.

AnswerQuran is important to Muslims the same way The Bible is important to Christians and the Torah is important to Jews. In addition, Muslims believe not only in the holy book Quran but also they believe in all the holy books of the Heaven sent religions, including the Torah and the Bible.

Muslims believe in the holy book Quran because Quran is God revelation to Prophet Mohamed and because Quran is the main constitution and guide to Muslims to follow the right path in worshiping God (Allah) and to lead a good life and to live in harmony and mutual respect with other cultures and religions.

Muslims learn from Quran:

  • morals of life to benefits of Muslims and all mankind.
  • guides and commands for rituals and worshiping God including prayers, fasting, pilgrimage, etc.
  • rules of marriage, divorce, inheritance, finance, .... etc.
  • tales about old nations to get advice and wisdom

Quran explains the deviations in the Bible and Torah holy book texts and explains the basic introduced deviations, namely the divinity of Jesus and the Judaic exclusiveness.

Quran calls Muslims to think deliberately in God creations that is the right way to believe in God. In this regards, Quran contained a wide variety of scientific statements that become only proven by state of art of technology, science, and information. These scientific statements are considered as miracles of Quran that prove Quran is a God revelation and not human wrote text.

See the related question below for more information.

note: Quran may be spelled Qura'n, Quraan, Kuran, Kura'n, Kuraan, Koran, Kora'n, Koraan, Kouran, Koura'n, or Kouraan.



Because it is, for Muslims, the Word of God.

Because it is their holy book


Because it is the holy book that Allah s.w.t. brought down on Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. who follows the religion on Islam.

AnswerBecause Muslims believe it is:

1. the words of God

2. It is the Muslims constitution from God

3. It has answers to all past, current and furture issues and problems



1. the direct, unchangeable words of God

2. teaches the way people should live

3. final authority on all matters

4. sets harsh penalties for crimes such as stealing or murder


The importance of the Holy Qur'an to a Muslim, is that because Muslims believe the Qur'an was sent down by God and that none of it has been written or edited by a man. The Qur'an tells people how to live, ie pray 5 times a day, and not to drink alchol so that you can concentrate on God. Also the Qur'an tells people scientific information, and also what will happen in the future and after the world has ended.

The importance of quran in Islam is more than the importance of a manual to a new piece of machinery.

For a Muslims the quran is a guide for this daily life, together with the sayings of prophet Muhammad (s.a.w).

AnswerBecause it is the holy book of Allah. It's Allah's words.
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the quran is equivlent to the christian bible so i think they refer to it when they are praising Allah and or praying

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Muslim's can get the holy book Quran from Islamic shops or centers or from Islamic websites. Quran is Muslim holy book revealed by God to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the angel Gabriel (Jibril).

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A Muslim recites verses from the Quran when he/she prays. Peace.

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The festival does not have music played. It has Quran. This is because music is forbidden in the Muslim religion.

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the name of the Muslim bible is the Koran/Qur'an/Quran/Qur'aan... etc.

What was the Quran famous for?

the Quran is famous because the Quran has many storys from long ago. And it also has the rules of being a Muslim. And the Quran will tell you what happens to all your deeds and what will happen if you die