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Definitely. When you look at the complexity and precision of nature it is impossible to not see God in it. As scientists delve deeper and deeper into how many things had to perfectly come together to simply make life possible on our planet they are realizing how incomplete and unscientific the big bang theory is. I think, and this is my personal opinion, that it takes more faith to be an atheist and believe that the entire world came from nothing than it does to believe that everything was created by a larger being. Through nature we see that a God makes sense; more sense in fact than any theory scientists have been able to come up with, through nature he doesn't simply reveal himself, he shouts out proof of his being to anyone who will simply take the time to listen and think.

He also reveals part of his character; through nature we see how powerful and mighty He is in the mountains and storms, we see his beauty in the flowers, we see his creativeness in it all, we see his precision in DNA, we see how he cares for each human personally in how he made no two of us alike. One kind find example upon example of ways that he reveals things about himself in nature, because he created it. It is the same how a book reveals things about its author and a painting about its artist.

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The Apostle Paul spoke to this in Romans 1:18-32, specifically. Speaking about the truth about God, Paul tells the Romans that many have departed from godliness and righeousness where people were suppressing the truth about God - that God is their loving Creator who deserves their worship and praise. But Paul notes in verses 19 and 20 that sinful people can mentally perceive the revealed truth of God but they have chosen to suppress it. Therefore, they are without excuse.

Paul tells us that not only are God's divine attributes clearly seen in humanity - each and everyone of us as created - but also in the material univers. Nature itself speaks quite eloquently of its Creator - from the intricate design of the human cell to the majestic strength of the Himalayas. All of God's works testify of His wisdom and power. By simply stopping for a moment in a quiet place and just look around and contemplate upon His invisible power and Godhead in the wondrous works of His Creation (see Psalm 145:5-9 and 107:8-9).

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Q: How does God reveal himself through natural signs?
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How God reveal Himself?

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