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2Tm:3:16: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Deut:29:29: The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.

Amos:3:7: Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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Nelda Stiedemann

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2y ago
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10y ago


People sometimes say they can "feel" his presence, although of course this can never be proven.

Another View:

We are told in the New Testament that no one has seen or heard God, the Father (see John 1:18; 5:37; 6:46). John tells us further, that those who have seen the Son (in Old Testament He was the Logos or Word) Jesus Christ, have seen God (John 14:9). In this case, God manifested Himself, in the form of a man named Jesus.

However, the Apostle Paul was inspired to tell us that Jesus was also the 'Rock' in the Old Testament and manifested in various ways to many others. The 'I Am' to Moses. The Melchizedek and King of Salem (later known as Jerusalem) to Abram. The Creator God of Adam and Eve who walked and taught Adam in the Garden (see 1 Corinthians 10:4; Hebrews chapters 5 thru 7).

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10y ago

Jewish answer: when God spoke to the Israelites and gave them the Torah (Exodus 24:12), it was a manifestation of his love, since the Torah contains advice, wisdom, and instructions on how to be close to God.

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16y ago

The most important way is through His Son, Jesus Christ, and through the Word of God... The Bible.

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15y ago

in my experience i think that a powerful message,passionate song and reading your bible every night really shows gods image in your mind

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11y ago

Whenever your time is to go with him. Any other time I'm sorry but unless you go to him or pray to him and ask him to reveal himself, bad luck :( sorry.

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Q: How does God reveal himself in human history?
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How does god reveal himself trough the story of Cain and able?

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No as you see the bible says god did not reveal himself to Moses. But he did see gods back.

How did God reveal himself in the kingdom period as narrated in the bible?

first of all we must remember that God never did reveal himself personally in the bible. As it says no an has seen God at any time. But the closest a person ever so God was the prophet Moses, who could only see Gods back.

What does Christianity teach us about god?

"God is love" The teachings of Christianity reveal God to us. God, as man's sovereign, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, holy, loving, righteous, merciful and immutable creator, lawgiver, judge and savior. This revelation of God begins in Genesis and continues through the history of the development of the human race and through to the judgment of the human race in Revelations The revelation of God's nature and character is shown by His judgments on Egypt the deliverance of Israel from slavery and God's care for Israelites as they travel to the promised land and this revelation continues through the OT history of God's dealings with the Israelites and the gentile nations. God reveals himself in the OT as the God of creation, judgment and salvation.

How did God reveal himself to David?

According to tradition, it was never directly. It was invariably indirectly, such as through a prophet.

What was it about Jesus that led the early church to conclude that he was God in human form?

Jesus was not God in human form. Jesus proclaimed himself as SON of God and God is described as Jesus' heavenly father.It is not in my understanding that they ever called Jesus himself God.

How can God's revelation of Himself through His Word be harmonized with scientific discoveries?

There are several available explanations, depending on your beliefs: # The Bible was only written by men, who did not fully understand the word of God. The Bible should not be read literally. # God really did reveal himself through the Bible, but science is wrong. This is the position of some creationists. # God really did reveal himself through the Bible, but we do not understand the Bible, or the original text of the Bible has changed so much that it no longer says what it should say. # God is not infallible, and when he tried to reveal himself, there were some mistakes made. # There is no God. The Bible was only written by men, who my well have been pious believers but were not inspired.

How did God reveal himself in early Judaism?

The form in which God revealed himself varies from author to author in the scriptures. Scholars call the principal early sources, who spoke of God revealing himself, the Elohist and the Yahwist. People could never look at the Elohist's God, so he typically came in dreams or visions, but sometimes in the form of a cloud or a flame. The Yahwist (J Source) wrote of an anthropomorphic God with human characteristics. In his writings, God could walk "in the cool of the evening" and talk face to face with his creation. Other authors generally wrote of God revealing himself in dreams and visions.

How did God reveal himself to our first parents?

God spoke to Adam (Genesis ch.2) and to other prophets. The true prophets heard the voice of God with their sense of hearing (Isaiah 5:9), not just in their heads.God also speaks to us through the events of history, and through the intricate wonders of plants, animals, our own bodies, etc.