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It is a privilege to live in a country where citizens are not persecuted for their beliefs.

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15y ago

The poor man was prayed for after his persecution.

Jesus suffered after his persecution for his religion.

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Q: How do you use persecution in a sentence?
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How do you use the word persecution in a sentence?

The persecution of natives is a recurring theme in human history.

How can l make a sentence with persecution?

During the Inquisition, many people faced persecution for their beliefs.

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A good sentence would be: Political and Religious Persecution was a push factor between 1866 and 1915.

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many naturalized citizens choose to change their name for fear of persecution

A sentence with the word persecution?

The minority often feels the persecution of the majority, especially under Democracy.

How do you write a short sentence with the word persecution in it?

Throughout history, many have endured persecution for their beliefs.

Can you give me a sentence using the word persecution?

It is very nice to live in a country where people do not suffer persecution from others for doing something to your beliefs.

Can you give example of a sentence using the word presecution?

I think you mean 'persecution.' The persecution I endured at school got worse as I got older.

What is persecute in a sentence?

Hitler's persecution of the Jews led to the murder of millions of innocent people.

What is a sentence using the word persecution?

I have several sentences for you.In America, we have freedom from unjust persecution.You should not have to suffer persecution for your beliefs or customs.Persecution is a bad thing.

Can you give me a sentence with the word persecution?

The boy when kidnapped was persecuted till death. It means very ill treated and violated.

How do you make persecute a noun?

To turn "persecute" into a noun, you would use the word "persecution." For example: The persecution of certain groups in society has been ongoing for years.