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Q: How do you think Jesus felt about going back to heaven?
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How did the apostles feel about Jesus going back to heaven?

They was bummed and sad but then they started christianity.

What was it called when Jesus went back to heaven?

It is called the Ascension of Jesus. After his resurrection, Jesus was taken up to heaven in the presence of his disciples.

What do you celebrate on ascension?

After Jesus' Ressurection he spent some time with his followers. Then he went up to heaven. He sent the Holy Spirit back down to us a few weeks later.We call Jesus going up to heaven The Ascension.AVTE

Who ascended to heaven from Jerusalem?

Jesus Christ ascended to heaven from Jerusalem after he came back from the dead.

Did Jesus took with him firstfruits to heaven or is Jesus the only one to ascend to heaven after his resurrection?

uh i can tell you jesus is not the only one that went to heaven after he came back from the dead. but if that doesn't help why don't you try rewording it

What happened to Jesus at the resurrection?

he went back up to heaven someday he will return

When the world ends how does it come back?

When Jesus comes back He will make a new heaven and new earth.

What did Jesus tell his disciples to do before he went back to heaven?

The angel told them that do not be worry because Jesus will come to take them.

What was the original purpose of youth groups?

I think there young and they could tell others about Jesus and Christianity for this get older they can tell a even newer generation and so on until Jesus come back and takes his believers in him to heaven for eternity.

How did the woman know Jesus was going to die?

She knew the Jesus was going to die I think Jesus told her that he was going to die because if you go the church (I'm sorry if you go to a temple I'm not trying to offend you or anything) but when you those pictures ( will in church anyway) you see her coming to Jesus when he was on the cross and I don't know but I think she started to cry and pray fir him but then in three days he came back to life

After Jesus went back to heaven what did his friends do for him?

Invented religion and ruined the world for the rest of time.

When Jesus is going to come back into this world second time?

That has always been the million dollar question, and unfortunately there is no answer. Jesus told his diciples when they asked that question that He did not know, that only the Father in Heaven knew the exact hour. He did however warn them to be ready and watchful.