

Best Answer

You must use whatever name, word, sound, whistle, or gesture that

the dog has trained you to use whenever you expect him to respond.

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Q: How do you summon a dog with a spell?
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When a card, such as Spell Striker, requires an action to be Summoned, the action will almost always be performed first before the monster is Summoned. Therefore, concerning Spell Striker, to Special Summon it, you must remove one Spell Card from play first, then you place it on the field afterwards.

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No, Ritual Monsters are 'special summon only' monsters, the only way they can initially reach the field is by Ritual Summon through an appropriate spell card, or by a card that specifically allows you to ignore this, like Ritual Foregone.

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Warlock minions are summon-able pets. This means if yours dies, you can just re-summon it. To do this use the spell that you used to first summon it.

Is ritual summoning the same as special summoning or normal summoning in Yu Gi Oh?

All Ritual Summons are considered a Special Summon. However, not all Special Summons are considered a Ritual Summon. A Ritual Summon can only be performed with a Ritual Spell Card and a Ritual Monster. A Special Summon refers to any monster that is placed on the field in a way that is not a Normal Summon, Flip Summon, or Set. Also, Ritual Summons are never considered a Normal Summon.

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yes their is a summon bear spell you can get it by downloading the spells tomes DLC but you have to search for the book that contains the spell so yes it is possible to get it once you download spells tomes and then search for the correct book and the book should say summon bear on it but you should mainly try and search necromancer caves that would give you a better chance of finding it

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If your a real! magician you do it by casting the summon dove spell.

What is a ritual spell?

A Ritual Spell card is a Spell card, that has a flame symbol next to the text "Spell card". It allows you to summon the Ritual Monster stated in the card text by sacrificing monster/s with equal or more stars than the Ritual Monster you're trying to summon, either from your hand or your side of the field. Here's an example of a Ritual Spell card: